
In Press
Andresen J., Ehrhardt J., Burchard C., Tatli A., Roider J., Handels H., Uzunova H. FluidRegNet: Longitudinal registration of retinal OCT images with new pathological fluidsIn: Medical Imaging with Deep Learning (MIDL), In Press
Seibel M.S., Uzunova H., Kepp T., Handels H. Anatomical Conditioning for Contrastive Unpaired Image-to-Image Translation of Optical Coherence Tomography ImagesIn: IEEE 21th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging 2024 (ISBI), Athens, Greece, In Press
Al-Omairi H.R., AL-Zubaidi A., Fudickar S., Hein A., Rieger J.W. Hammerstein–Wiener Motion Artifact Correction for Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy: A Novel Inertial Measurement Unit-Based TechniqueSensors, MDPI AG, 24, 3173, 2024
Burchard C., Scharf A., Santarossa M., Tatli A., Andresen J., Koch R., Handels H., Kepp T., Roider J. AI-based photoreceptor length segmentation and influence on disease progression and visual acuity changes in central serous chorioretinopathy (CSCR)Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 65, 7, 5659, 2024
Ciortuz G., Wiedekopf J., Fudickar S. Integration von Wearables und Nutzung von digitalen Biomarkern zur Diagnostik und Therapie im GesundheitswesenIn: Henke V., Hülsken G., Schneider H., Varghese J., Health Data Management: Schlüsselfaktor für erfolgreiche Krankenhäuser, Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, Wiesbaden, 323-336, 2024
Ciortuz G., Hozhabr Pour H., Fudickar S. Evaluating Movement and Device-Specific DeepConvLSTM Performance in Wearable-Based Human Activity RecognitionIn: Proceedings of the 17th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies - HEALTHINF, INSTICC, 746-753, 2024
Ehrhardt J., Uzunova H., Kaftan P., Krüger J., Opfer R., Handels H. Focused unsupervised image registration for structure-specific population analysisIn: Medical Imaging 2024: Computer-Aided Diagnosis, San Diego, United States, Proc. SPIE 12927, SPIE, 88, 587-592, 2024
Elser Y., Schierholz S., Sieren M.M., Engelson S., Berkel L., Ehrhardt J., Handels H., Kepp T., Niemeijer J. Analyse mediastinaler Lymphknoten mittels neuronaler Netze: Ein Vergleich von zusätzlichen Eingabebildern mit anatomischem Vorwissen zur verbesserten Fokussierung des NetzwerksRöFo - Fortschritte auf dem Gebiet der Röntgenstrahlen und der bildgebenden Verfahren, Georg Thieme Verlag, 196, S 01, 2024
Engelson S., Ehrhardt J., Kepp T., Niemeijer J., Schierholz S., Berkel L., Elser Y., Sieren M.M., Handels H. Comparison of anatomical priors for learning-based neural network guidance for mediastinal lymph node segmentationIn: Medical Imaging 2024: Computer-Aided Diagnosis, San Diego, United States, SPIE, 53, 357-362, 2024
Engelson S., Ehrhardt J., Kepp T., Niemeijer J., Handels H. LNQ Challenge 2023: Learning Mediastinal Lymph Node Segmentation with a Probabilistic Lymph Node AtlasMachine Learning for Biomedical Imaging, 2, 817-833, 2024
Fleitmann M., Uzunova H., Pallenberg R., Stroth A.M., Gerlach J., Fürschke A., Barkhausen J., Bischof A., Handels H. Artificial Intelligence-Based Prediction of Contrast Medium Doses for Computed Tomography Angiography Using Optimized Clinical Parameter SetsMethods of information in medicine, 2024
Germer S., Rudolph C., Katalinic A., Rath N., Rausch K., Handels H. KI-basierte Analyse von KrebsregisterdatenForum, 2024
Germer S., Rudolph C., Labohm L., Katalinic A., Rath N., Rausch K., Holleczek B., Handels H. Survival analysis for lung cancer patients: A comparison of Cox regression and machine learning modelsInternational Journal of Medical Informatics, 191, 105607, 2024
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Maier A., Deserno T.M., Handels H., Maier-Hein K.H., Palm C., Tolxdorff T. (eds.) Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2024Springer Vieweg, Wiesbaden, Erlangen, 2024
Niemeijer J., Ehrhardt J., Uzunova H., Handels H. TSynD: Targeted Synthetic Data Generation for Enhanced Medical Image ClassificationarXiv preprint arXiv:2406.17473, 2024
Rowedder M., Kepp T., Neumann T., Sudkamp H., Hüttmann G., Handels H. Denoising of home OCT images using Noise2Noise trained on artificial eye dataIn: Medical Imaging 2024: Image Processing, San Diego, United States, SPIE, 81, 583-589, 2024
Rudolph C., Germer S., Nennecke A., Kusche H., Labohm L., Rath N., Rausch K., Holleczek B., Handels H., Katalinic A. Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) in der Krebsregistrierung: Methoden, Herausforderungen und erste Ergebnisse des AI-Care-DatensatzesIn: Gesundheit – gemeinsam. Kooperationstagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Medizinische Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie (GMDS), (DGSMP), (DGEpi), (DGMS), (DGPH), Dresden, 2024
Schappert R., Verrel J., Brügge N.S., Li F., Paulus T., Becker L., Bäumer T., Beste C., Roessner V., Fudickar S. et al. Automated Video‐Based Approach for the Diagnosis of Tourette SyndromeMovement Disorders Clinical Practice, Wiley, 2024
Scharf A., Burchard C., Tatli A., Santarossa M., Andresen J., Koch R., Handels H., Kepp T., Roider J. Linking AI-based biomarker analysis to visual acuity changes in central serous chorioretinopathy (CSCR)Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 65, 7, 6192, 2024
Schröder S.H., Seitzer C., Tabriz N., Töpfer H., Meyer J.-M., Fudickar S., Weyhe D., Uslar V. Requirements for the Acceptance of an App for Voice Therapy — A Usability Report Based on the “Oldenburger Logopädie App” (OLA)Journal of Voice, Elsevier BV, 2024
Seibel M.S., Niemeijer J., Rowedder M., Sudkamp H., Kepp T., Hüttmann G., Handels H. Reducing the impact of domain shift in deep learning for OCT segmentation using image manipulationsIn: Medical Imaging 2024: Computer-Aided Diagnosis, San Diego, United States, Proc. SPIE, SPIE, 12927, 293-302, 2024
Stenger R., Schulze R., Löns S., Bäumer T., Fudickar S. Android App for Symptomatic Monitoring of Cervical Dystonia: Design and Usability StudyIn: Proceedings of the 17th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies, SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications, 201-207, 2024
Al-Omairi H.R., Fudickar S., Hein A., Rieger J.W. Improved Motion Artifact Correction in fNIRS Data by Combining Wavelet and Correlation-Based Signal ImprovementSensors, 23, 8, 3979, 2023
Anilkumar V., Hilge F., Kepp T., Wang-Evers M., Brush S., Schulz-Hildebrandt H., Hüttmann G., Handels H., Manstein D. Assessment of intrinsic and extrinsic aging on dermal morphology using optical coherence tomographyIn: Choi B., Zeng H., Photonics in Dermatology and Plastic Surgery 2023, SPIE International Society for Optics and Photonics, SPIE PC12352, PC123520D, 2023
Augustinov G., Nisar M.A., Li F., Tabatabaei A., Grzegorzek M., Sohrabi K., Fudickar S. Transformer-Based Recognition of Activities of Daily Living from Wearable Sensor DataIn: Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Sensor-Based Activity Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, Rostock, Germany, iWOAR '22, Association for Computing Machinery, 1-8, 2023
Bigalke A., Hansen L., Diesel J., Hennigs C., Rostalski P., Heinrich M.P. Anatomy-guided domain adaptation for 3D in-bed human pose estimationMedical Image Analysis, 89, 102887, 2023
Bigalke A., Heinrich M.P. A Denoised Mean Teacher for Domain Adaptive Point Cloud RegistrationIn: Greenspan H., Madabhushi A., Mousavi P., Salcudean S., Duncan J., Syeda-Mahmood T., Taylor R., Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention – MICCAI 2023, Vancouver, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer Cham, 14229, 666-676, 2023
Bigalke A., Hansen L., Mok T.C.W., Heinrich M.P. Unsupervised 3D Registration Through Optimization-Guided Cyclical Self-trainingIn: Greenspan H., Madabhushi A., Mousavi P., Salcudean S., Duncan J., Syeda-Mahmood T., Taylor R., Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention – MICCAI 2023, Vancouver, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer Cham, 14229, 677-687, 2023
Brügge N.S., Mohammadi E., Münchau A., Bäumer T., Frings C., Beste C., Roessner V., Handels H. Towards Privacy and Utility in Tourette TIC Detection Through Pretraining Based on Publicly Available Video Data of Healthy SubjectsIn: ICASSP 2023 - 2023 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Rhodes Island, Greece, IEEE, 30, 1-5, 2023
Brügge N.S., Sallandt G.M., Schappert R., Li F., Siekmann A., Grzegorzek M., Bäumer T., Frings C., Beste C., Stenger R.Fudickar S.Handels H. et al. Automated Motor Tic Detection: A Machine Learning Approach.Movement disorders, 13, 10, 2023
Chen A., Li C., Rahaman M.M., Yao Y., Chen H., Yang H., Zhao P., Hu W., Liu W., Zou S.Grzegorzek M. et al. A Comprehensive Comparative Study of Deep Learning Methods for Noisy Sperm Image Classification: from Convolutional Neural Network to Visual TransformerIntelligent Medicine, 2023
Ciortuz G., Grzegorzek M., Fudickar S. Effects of Time-Series Data Pre-Processing on the Transformer-Based Classification of Activities from Smart GlassesIn: Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Sensor-Based Activity Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, Lübeck Germany / New York, NY, USA, iWOAR '23, Association for Computing Machinery, 332022, 1-4, 2023
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Deserno T., Handels H., Maier A., Maier-Hein K.H., Palm C., Tolxdorff T. (eds.) Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2023Springer Vieweg, Wiesbaden, Heidelberg, 2023
Doniec R., Konior J., Sieciński S., Piet A., Irshad M.T., Piaseczna N., Hasan M.A., Li F., Nisar M.A., Grzegorzek M. Sensor-Based Classification of Primary and Secondary Car Driver Activities Using Convolutional Neural NetworksSensors, MDPI, 23, 2023
Dorent R., Kujawa A., Ivory M., Bakas S., Rieke N., Joutard S., Glocker B., Cardoso J., Modat M., Batmanghelich K.Hansen L.Heinrich M.P. et al. CrossMoDA 2021 challenge: Benchmark of cross-modality domain adaptation techniques for vestibular schwannoma and cochlea segmentationMedical Image Analysis, 83, 102628, 2023
Drenkhahn C.M., Ohlsen T., Wiedekopf J., Ingenerf J. WASP—A Web Application to Support Syntactically and Semantically Correct SNOMED CT PostcoordinationApplied Sciences, 10, 6114, 2023
Ehrhardt J., Handels H. Implicitly Solved Regularization for Learning-Based Image RegistrationIn: Cao X., Xu X., Rekik I., Cui Z., Ouyang X., International Workshop on Machine Learning in Medical Imaging, MICCAI 2023, Vancouver, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Machine Learning in Medical Imaging, Springer Nature Switzerland, 137-146, 2023
Falta F., Großbröhmer C., Hering A., Bigalke A., Heinrich M.P. Lung250M-4B: A Combined 3D Dataset for CT- and Point Cloud-Based Intra-Patient Lung RegistrationIn: Thirty-seventh Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems Datasets and Benchmarks Track, 2023
Fan Z., Wu X., Li C., Chen H., Liu W., Zheng Y., Chen J., Li X., Sun H., Jiang T.Grzegorzek M. et al. CAM-VT: A Weakly Supervised Cervical Cancer Nest Image Identification Approach Using Conjugated Attention Mechanism and Visual TransformerComputers in Biology and Medicine, Elsevier, 162, 2023
Fetzer T., Bullmann M., Ebner M., Kastner S., Deinzer F., Grzegorzek M. Interacting Multiple Model Particle Filter for Indoor Positioning ApplicationsIn: Proceedings of the 2023 International Technical Meeting of The Institute of Navigation, 2023
Fudickar S., Bantel C., Spieker J., Töpfer H., Stegeman P., Schiphorst Preuper H.R., Reneman M.F., Wolff A.P., Soer R. Natural language processing of referral letters improves machine learning-based triaging of patients with low back pain to the most appropriate interventionJournal of Medical Internet Research, 2023
Gouverneur P., Li F., Shirahama K., Luebke L., Adamczyk W.M., Szikszay T.M., Luedtke K., Grzegorzek M. Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) in Pain Research: Understanding the Role of Electrodermal Activity for Automated Pain RecognitionSensors, MDPI, 23, 2023
Großbröhmer C., Bartram L., Rheinbay C., Heinrich M.P., Tüshaus L. Leveraging Semantic Information for Sonographic Wrist Fracture Assessment Within ChildrenIn: Deserno T.M., Handels H., Maier A., Maier-Hein K., Palm C., Tolxdorff T., Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2023, Wiesbaden, Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 102-107, 2023
Großbröhmer C., Heinrich M.P. Generalised 3D Medical Image Registration with Learned Shape EncodingsIn: Waiter G., Lambrou T., Leontidis G., Oren N., Morris T., Gordon S., 27th Annual Conference Medical Image Understanding and Analysis, MIUA 2023, Aberdeen, UK, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer Cham, 14122, 268-280, 2023
Hasan M.A., Li F., Piet A., Gouverneur P., Irshad M.T., Grzegorzek M. Exploring the Benefits of Time Series Data Augmentation for Wearable Human Activity RecognitionIn: Proceedings of the 8th ACM International Workshop on Sensor-based Activity Recognition and Artificial Intelligence (iWOAR 2023), ACM, 2023
Heinrich M.P., Siebert H., Graf L., Mischkewitz S., Hansen L. Robust and Realtime Large Deformation Ultrasound Registration Using End-to-End Differentiable Displacement OptimisationSensors, 23, 6, 2876, 2023
Heinrich M.P., Bigalke A., Großbröhmer C., Hansen L. Chasing Clouds: Differentiable Volumetric Rasterisation of Point Clouds as a Highly Efficient and Accurate Loss for Large-Scale Deformable 3D RegistrationIn: Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 8026-8036, 2023
Hering A., Hansen L., Mok T.C.W., Chung A.C.S., Siebert H., Hager S., Lange A., Kuckertz S., Heldmann S., Shao W.Großbröhmer C.Heinrich M.P. et al. Learn2Reg: Comprehensive Multi-Task Medical Image Registration Challenge, Dataset and Evaluation in the Era of Deep LearningIEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 42, 3, 697-712, 2023
Hermes N., Bigalke A., Heinrich M.P. Point cloud-based scene flow estimation on realistically deformable objects: A benchmark of deep learning-based methodsJournal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, 95, 103893, 2023
Hu W., Li X., Li C., Li R., Jiang T., Sun H., Huang X., Grzegorzek M., Li X. A State-of-the-art Survey of Artificial Neural Networks for Whole-slide Image Analysis: From Popular Convolutional Neural Networks to Potential Visual TransformersComputers in Biology and Medicine, Elsevier, 161, 2023
Hu W., Li C., Rahaman M.M., Chen H., Liu W., Yao Y., Sun H., Grzegorzek M., Li X. EBHI: A New Enteroscope Biopsy Histopathological H&E Image Dataset for Image Classification EvaluationPhysica Medica, 107, 2023
Huang X., Schmelter F., Irshad M.T., Piet A., Nisar M.A., Sina C., Grzegorzek M. Optimizing Sleep Staging on Multimodal Time Series: Leveraging Borderline Synthetic Minority Oversampling Technique and Supervised Convolutional Contrastive LearningComputers in Biology and Medicine, Elsevier, 166, 2023
Huang X., Shirahama K., Irshad M.T., Nisar M.A., Piet A., Grzegorzek M. Sleep Stage Classification in Children Using Self-Attention and Gaussian Noise Data AugmentationSensors, MDPI, 23, 2023
Ingenerf J., Drenkhahn C.M. Referenzterminologie SNOMED CT, Interlingua zur Gewährleistung semantischer Interoperabilität in der MedizinSpringer, 2023
Irshad M.T., Li F., Nisar M.A., Huang X., Buss M., Kloep L., Peifer C., Kozusznik B., Pollak A., Pyszka A.Grzegorzek M. et al. Wearable-based Human Flow Experience Recognition Enhanced by Transfer Learning Methods Using Emotion DataComputers in Biology and Medicine, Elsevier, 166, 2023
Jablonski L., Jensen T., Ahlemann G.M., Huang X., Tetzlaff-Lelleck V.V., Piet A., Schmelter F., Dinkler V.S., Sina C., Grzegorzek M. Sensor-Based Detection of Food Hypersensitivity Using Machine LearningIn: Proceedings of the 8th ACM International Workshop on Sensor-based Activity Recognition and Artificial Intelligence (iWOAR 2023), ACM, 2023
Jing Y., Li C., Du T., Jiang T., Sun H., Yang J., Shi L., Gao M., Grzegorzek M., Li X. A Comprehensive Survey of Intestine Histopathological Image Analysis Using Machine Vision ApproachesComputers in Biology and Medicine, Elsevier, 165, 2023
Kepp T., Andresen J., Burchard C., Roider J., Hüttmann G., Handels H. Shape-based segmentation of retinal layers and fluids in OCT image dataIn: Iftekharuddin K.M., Chen W., Medical Imaging 2023: Computer-Aided Diagnosis, International Society for Optics and Photonics, 12465, 1246510, 2023
Kepp T., Andresen J., Burchard C., Roider J., Hüttmann G., Handels H. Abstract: Shape-based Segmentation of Retinal Layers and Fluids in OCT Image DataIn: Deserno T.M., Handels H., Maier A., Maier-Hein K., Palm C., Tolxdorff T., Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2023, Wiesbaden, Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 11-11, 2023
Keuth R., Heinrich M.P., Eichenlaub M., Himstedt M. Weakly supervised airway orifice segmentation in video bronchoscopyIn: Colliot O., Išgum I., Medical Imaging 2023: Image Processing, International Society for Optics and Photonics, 12464, 124640A, 2023
Korda A.I., Andreou C., Avram M., Frisman M., Aliqadri M., Riecher-Rössler A., Handels H., Martinetz T., Borgwardt S. Chaos analysis of the cortical boundary for the recognition of psychosisJournal of Psychiatry and Neuroscience, 48, 2, E135-E142, 2023
Kulwa F., Li C., Grzegorzek M., Rahaman M.M., Shirahama K., Kosov S. Segmentation of weakly visible environmental microorganism images using pair-wise deep learning featuresBiomedical Signal Processing and Control, Elsevier, 79, 2, 2023
Lins C., Quang F., Schulze R., Lins S., Hein A., Fudickar S. An Android App for Posture Analysis Using OWASIn: Proceedings of the 16th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies - HEALTHINF,, INSTICC, 307-313, 2023
Lins C., Berwald E., Klausen A., Hein A., Fudickar S. EA-based smartwatch application for training and assistance in cardiopulmonary resuscitationIn: Proceedings of the Companion Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation, GECCO ’23 Companion, ACM, 2023
Löffler B.S., Stecher H.I., Meiser A., Fudickar S., Hein A., Herrmann C.S. Attempting to counteract vigilance decrement in older adults with brain stimulationFrontiers in Neuroergonomics, 4, 2023
Luebke L., Gouverneur P., Szikszay T.M., Adamczyk W.M., Luedtke K., Grzegorzek M. Objective Measurement of Subjective Pain Perception with Autonomic Body Reactions in Healthy Subjects and Chronic Back Pain Patients: An Experimental Heat Pain StudySensors, MDPI, 23, 2023
Nie Q., Li C., Yang J., Yao Y., Sun H., Jiang T., Grzegorzek M., Chen A., Chen H., Hu W. et al. OII-DS: A Benchmark Oral Implant Image Dataset for Object Detection and Image Classification EvaluationComputers in Biology and Medicine, Elsevier, 167, 2023
Niemeijer J., Ehrhardt J., Kepp T., Schäfer J.P., Handels H. Overcoming the sensor delta for semantic segmentation in OCT imagesIn: Computer-Aided DiagnosisMedical Imaging 2023: Computer-Aided Diagnosis, San Diego, United States, SPIE, 1246511, 34, 2023
Nisar M.A., Shirahama K., Irshad M.T., Huang X., Grzegorzek M. A Hierarchical Multitask Learning Approach for the Recognition of Activities of Daily Living Using Data from Wearable SensorsSensors, MDPI, 23, 2023
Pallenberg R., Fleitmann M., Stroth A.M., Gerlach J., Fürschke A., Barkhausen J., Bischof A., Handels H. Random Forest and Gradient Boosted Trees for Patient Individualized Contrast Agent Dose Reduction in CT AngiographyStudies in health technology and informatics, 302, 952-956, 2023
Pauls A., Bauer J.M., Diekmann R., Fudickar S., Hein A., Hellmers S., Lau S., Meyer J., Holdt K., Koppelin F. Motivationsgründe und Vorstellungen über eine zukünftige Beteiligung älterer Menschen im Forschungs- und Entwicklungsprozess von Gesundheitstechnologien – eine Mixed Methods-StudieZusammenfassungDas Gesundheitswesen, Georg Thieme Verlag, 2023
Rajamani K.T., Rani P., Siebert H., ElagiriRamalingam R., Heinrich M.P. Attention-augmented U-Net (AA-U-Net) for semantic segmentationSignal, Image and Video Processing, 17, 981-989, 2023
Rinaldi E., Drenkhahn C.M., Gebel B., Saleh K., Tönnies H., Loewenich F.D., Thoma N., Baier C., Boeker M., Hinske L.C.Ingenerf J. et al. Towards interoperability in infection control: a standard data model for microbiologyScientific data, 10, 1, 654, 2023
Schladetzky J., Kock-Schoppenhauer A.-K., Drenkhahn C.M., Ingenerf J., Wiedekopf J. Mettertron - Bridging Metadata Repositories and Terminology Servers.Studies in health technology and informatics, 307, 243-248, 2023
Schumann R., Li F., Grzegorzek M. WiFi Sensing with Single-Antenna Devices for Ambient Assisted LivingIn: Proceedings of the 8th ACM International Workshop on Sensor-based Activity Recognition and Artificial Intelligence (iWOAR 2023), ACM, 2023
Sieciński S., Irshad M.T., Hasan M.A., Tkacz E., Grzegorzek M. Assessment of Quality of Gyrocardiograms Based on Features Derived from Symmetric Projection Attractor ReconstructionIn: Proceedings of the 8th ACM International Workshop on Sensor-based Activity Recognition and Artificial Intelligence (iWOAR 2023), ACM, 2023
Stenger R., Löns S., Hamami F., Brügge N.S., Bäumer T., Fudickar S. Extended Head Pose Estimation on Synthesized Avatars for Determining the Severity of Cervical DystoniaIn: Proceedings of the 16th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies, SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications, 2023
Strenge P., Lange B., Draxinger W., Hagel C., Grill C., Danicke V., Theisen-Kunde D., Spahr-Hess S., Bonsanto M.M., Huber R.Handels H. et al. Demarcation of brain and tumor tissue with optical coherence tomography using prior neural networksIn: Optical Coherence Imaging Techniques and Imaging in Scattering Media V, Munich, Germany, SPIE, 12632, 61, 2023
Strenge P., Lange B., Draxinger W., Hagel C., Grill C., Danicke V., Theisen-Kunde D., Spahr-Hess S., Bonsanto M.M., Huber R.A.Handels H. et al. Dual wavelength analysis and classification of brain tumor tissue with optical coherence tomographyIn: Advanced Biomedical and Clinical Diagnostic and Surgical Guidance Systems XXI, San Francisco, United States, SPIE, 12368, 13, 2023
Takashima N., Li F., Grzegorzek M., Shirahama K. Embedding-Based Music Emotion Recognition Using Composite LossIEEE Access, IEEE, 11, 2023
Uzunova H., Handels H., Ehrhardt J. Low-Rank and Sparse Metamorphic Autoencoders for Unsupervised Pathology DisentanglementIn: Fragemann J., Li J., Liu X., Tsaftaris S.A., Egger J., Kleesiek J., Medical Applications with Disentanglements. MAD 2022, Singapore, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer Cham, 13823, 59-69, 2023
Wiedekopf J., Drenkhahn C.M., Ingenerf J. Performance Benchmarking of FHIR Terminology Operations in ETL JobsStudies in health technology and informatics, 302, 707-710, 2023
Yang H., Li C., Zhao X., Cai B., Zhang J., Ma P., Zhao P., Chen A., Jiang T., Sun H.Huang X.Grzegorzek M. et al. EMDS-7: Environmental Microorganism Image Dataset Seventh Version for Multiple Object Detection EvaluationFrontiers in Microbiology, Frontiers Media, 14, 2023
Yang C., Yang Z., Ke Y., Chen T., Grzegorzek M., See J. Doing More With Moiré Pattern Detection in Digital PhotosIEEE Transactions on Image Processing, IEEE, 32, 694-708, 2023
Ye P., Li S., Wang Z., Tian S., Luo Y., Wu Z., Zhuang Y., Zhang Y., Grzegorzek M., Hou Z. Development and Validation of a Deep Learning-based Model to Distinguish Acetabular Fractures on Pelvic Anteroposterior RadiographsFrontiers in Physiology, Frontiers Media, 2023
Zhang J., Zou S., Li C., Yao Y., Rahaman M., Qian W., Sun H., Grzegorzek M., Wang G. TOD-Net: Transformer-Based Neural Network for Tiny Object Detection in Sperm Microscopic VideosIn: 2023 IEEE 20th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), IEEE, 2023
Zheng Y., Li C., Zhou X., Chen H., Xu H., Li Y., Zhang H., Li X., Sun H., Huang X.Grzegorzek M. et al. Application of Transfer Learning and Ensemble Learning in Image-Level Classification for Breast HistopathologyIntelligent Medicine, 3, 2, 2023
Andresen J., Kepp T., Ehrhardt J., Burchard C., Roider J., Handels H. Deep learning-based simultaneous registration and unsupervised non-correspondence segmentation of medical images with pathologiesInternational Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, 2022
Andresen J., Kepp T., Wang-Evers M., Ehrhardt J., Manstein D., Handels H. Unsupervised Segmentation of Wounds in Optical Coherence Tomography Images Using Invariant Information ClusteringIn: Maier-Hein K., Deserno T., Handels H., Maier A., Palm C., Tolxdorff T., Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2022, Heidelberg, Informatik Aktuell, Springer Vieweg, Wiesbaden, 1-6, 2022
Andresen J., Kepp T., Ehrhardt J., Burchard C., Roider J., Handels H. Unsupervised Non-correspondence Detection in Medical Images Using an Image Registration Convolutional Neural NetworkIn: Hering A., Schnabel J., Zhang M., Ferrante E., Heinrich M.P., Rueckert D., Biomedical Image Registration. WBIR 2022, Cham, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer International Publishing, 13386, 3-7, 2022
Andresen J., Uzunova H., Ehrhardt J., Kepp T., Handels H. Image registration and appearance adaptation in non-correspondent image regions for new MS lesions detectionFrontiers in Neuroscience, 16, 2022
Böhlen C.F.-, Brinkmann A., Fudickar S., Hellmers S., Hein A. Technology-Based Education and Training System for Nursing ProfessionalsIn: Gehin C., Wacogne B., Douplik A., Lorenz R., Bracken B., Pesquita C., Fred A., Gamboa H., Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies, Cham, Springer International Publishing, 120-138, 2022
Brügge N.S., Grasshoff J., Weigenand A., Rostalski P. Multi-Task Gaussian Process Regression for the Detection of Sleep Cycles in Premature InfantsIn: ICASSP 2022 - 2022 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 1341-1345, 2022
Bullmann M., Fetzer T., Ebner M., Kastner S., Deinzer F., Grzegorzek M. Data Driven Sensor Model for Wi-Fi Fine Timing MeasurementIn: 2022 IEEE 12th International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation (IPIN), Beijing, China, IEEE, 2022
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Buzug T.M., Handels H., Klein S., Hübner C., Mertins A., Rostalski P. (eds.) Student Conference Proceedings 2022: 11th C. on Medical Engineering Science and 7th C. on Medical Informatics and 5th C. on Biomedical Engineering and 4th C. on Auditory Technology and 2nd C. on Biophysics and 2nd C. on Robotics and Autonomous SystemsInfinite Science Publishing, Lübeck, 2022
Chen H., Li C., Wang G., Li X., Rahaman M.M., Sun H., Hu W., Li Y., Liu W., Sun C.Grzegorzek M. et al. GasHis-Transformer: A multi-scale visual transformer approach for gastric histopathological image detectionPattern Recognition, Elsevier, 130, 2022
Chen H., Li C., Li X., Rahaman M.M., Hu W., Li Y., Liu W., Sun C., Sun H., Huang X.Grzegorzek M. et al. IL-MCAM: An interactive learning and multi-channel attention mechanism-based weakly supervised colorectal histopathology image classification approach.Computers in biology and medicine, Elsevier, 143, 2022
Chen A., Li C., Zou S., Rahaman M.M., Yao Y., Chen H., Yang H., Zhao P., Hu W., Liu W.Grzegorzek M. et al. SVIA dataset: A new dataset of microscopic videos and images for computer-aided sperm analysisBiocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering, Elsevier, 42, 1, 204-214, 2022
Chlebusch A., Grzegorzek M. Extended Ventilation Test Framework to Compare Different Ventilation PrototypesIn: Buzug T.M., Handels H., Klein S., Hübner C., Mertins A., Rostalski P., Student Conference Proceedings 2022: Medical Engineering Science, Medical Informatics, Biomedical Engineering, Auditory Technology, Biophysics and Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Lübeck, Infinite Science Publishing, 133-136, 2022
Doniec R., Piaseczna N., Li F., Duraj K., Hozhabr Pour H., Grzegorzek M., Mocny-Pachońska K., Tkacz E. Classification of Roads and Types of Public Roads Using EOG Smart Glasses and an Algorithm Based on Machine Learning While Driving a CarElectronics, MDPI, 11, 18, 2022
Ebner M., Fetzer T., Bullmann M., Kastner S., Deinzer F., Grzegorzek M. PIPF: Proposal-Interpolating Particle FilterIn: 2022 IEEE 12th International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation (IPIN), Beijing, China, IEEE, 2022
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Ehrhardt J., Wilms M. Autoencoders and Variational Autoencoders in Medical Image AnalysisIn: Burgos N., Svoboda D., Biomedical Image Synthesis and Simulations: Methods and Applications, Academic Press, 2022
Falta F., Hansen L., Himstedt M., Heinrich M.P. Learning an airway atlas from lung CT using semantic inter-patient deformable registrationIn: Maier-Hein K., Deserno T., Handels H., Maier A., Palm C., Tolxdorff T., Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2022, Heidelberg, Informatik Aktuell, Springer Vieweg, Wiesbaden, 75-80, 2022
Fetzer T., Ebner F., Deinzer F., Grzegorzek M. Using Barometer for Floor Assignation within Statistical Indoor Localization.Sensors (Basel, Switzerland), MDPI, 23, 1, 2022
Florack C., Kepp T., Hilge F., Wang-Evers M., Mannstein D., Handels H. Segmentation of the dermal-epidermal junction in OCT image data using deep learningIn: Buzug T.M., Handels H., Klein S., Hübner C., Mertins A., Rostalski P., Student Conference Proceedings 2022: Medical Engineering Science, Medical Informatics, Biomedical Engineering, Auditory Technology, Biophysics and Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Lübeck, Infinite Science Publishing, 219-222, 2022
Fudickar S., Pauls A., Lau S., Hellmers S., Gebel K., Diekmann R., Bauer J.M., Hein A., Koppelin F. Measurement System for Unsupervised Standardized Assessments of Timed Up and Go Test and 5 Times Chair Rise Test in Community Settings — A Usability StudySensors, 22, 731, 2022
Germer S., Uzunova H., Ehrhardt J., Feldhus N., Thomas P., Handels H. A Comparison of Feature Extraction Models for Medical Image CaptioningIn: 67. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Medizinische Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie e. V. (GMDS), 13. Jahreskongress der Technologie- und Methodenplattform für die vernetzte medizinische Forschung e.V. (TMF), Kiel, 2022
Graf L., Mischkewitz S., Hansen L., Heinrich M.P. Spatiotemporal Attention for Realtime Segmentation of Corrupted Sequential Ultrasound DataIn: Maier-Hein K., Deserno T., Handels H., Maier A., Palm C., Tolxdorff T., Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2022, Heidelberg, Informatik Aktuell, Springer Vieweg, Wiesbaden, 235-240, 2022
Gruendner J., Deppenwiese N., Folz M., Köhler T., Kroll B., Prokosch H.-U., Rosenau L., Rühle M., Scheidl M.-A., Schüttler C. et al. The Architecture of a Feasibility Query Portal for Distributed COVID-19 Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) Patient Data Repositories: Design and Implementation StudyJMIR Medical Informatics, 11, 5, e36709, 2022
Hempe H., Heinrich M.P. Light-weight semantic segmentation and labelling of vertebrae in 3D-CT scansIn: Maier-Hein K., Deserno T., Handels H., Maier A., Palm C., Tolxdorff T., Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2022, Heidelberg, Informatik Aktuell, Springer Vieweg, Wiesbaden, Abstract:19, 2022
Hempe H., Yilmaz E.B., Meyer C., Heinrich M.P. Opportunistic CT screening for degenerative deformities and osteoporotic fractures with 3D DeepLabIn: Proc. SPIE 12032, Medical Imaging 2022: Image Processing, San Diego, United States, SPIE, 17, 2022
Hermes N., Hansen L., Bigalke A., Heinrich M.P. Support Point Sets for Improving Contactless Interaction in Geometric Learning for Hand Pose EstimationIn: Maier-Hein K., Deserno T., Handels H., Maier A., Palm C., Tolxdorff T., Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2022, Heidelberg, Informatik Aktuell, Springer Vieweg, Wiesbaden, 89-94, 2022
Hozhabr Pour H., Li F., Wegmeth L., Trense C., Doniec R., Grzegorzek M., Wismüller R. A Machine Learning Framework for Automated Accident Detection Based on Multimodal Sensors in Cars.Sensors (Basel, Switzerland), MDPI, 22, 10, 2022
Hu W., Li C., Li X., Rahaman M.M., Ma J., Zhang Y., Chen H., Liu W., Sun C., Yao Y.Grzegorzek M. et al. GasHisSDB: A new gastric histopathology image dataset for computer aided diagnosis of gastric cancer.Computers in biology and medicine, Elsevier, 142, 2022
Hübner M., Schepers J., Ingenerf J. Implementation Guide Rare Disease Documentation - Enabling of the FAIR Principles for Rare DiseasesIn: Buzug T.M., Handels H., Klein S., Hübner C., Mertins A., Rostalski P., Student Conference Proceedings 2022: Medical Engineering Science, Medical Informatics, Biomedical Engineering, Auditory Technology, Biophysics and Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Lübeck, Infinite Science Publishing, 277-280, 2022
Irshad M.T., Nisar M.A., Huang X., Hartz J., Flak O., Li F., Gouverneur P., Piet A., Oltmanns K.M., Grzegorzek M. SenseHunger: Machine Learning Approach to Hunger Detection Using Wearable Sensors.Sensors (Basel, Switzerland), MDPI, 22, 20, 2022
Jagtap A.D., Himstedt M., Heinrich M.P. Automatic Generation of Synthetic Data for Domain Randomization and AdaptationIn: Buzug T.M., Handels H., Klein S., Hübner C., Mertins A., Rostalski P., Student Conference Proceedings 2022: Medical Engineering Science, Medical Informatics, Biomedical Engineering, Auditory Technology, Biophysics and Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Lübeck, Infinite Science Publishing, 137-140, 2022
Kaftan P., Gercke K., Trabhardt A., Ehrhardt J. Towards a Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus Detector on a Mobile PlatformIn: Buzug T.M., Handels H., Klein S., Hübner C., Mertins A., Rostalski P., Student Conference Proceedings 2022: Medical Engineering Science, Medical Informatics, Biomedical Engineering, Auditory Technology, Biophysics and Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Lübeck, Infinite Science Publishing, 319-322, 2022
Kannath Kalam S., Weihsbach C., Heinrich M.P. Revisiting the Iterative Image Registration Technique deeds in terms of Speed PerformanceIn: Buzug T.M., Handels H., Klein S., Hübner C., Mertins A., Rostalski P., Student Conference Proceedings 2022: Medical Engineering Science, Medical Informatics, Biomedical Engineering, Auditory Technology, Biophysics and Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Lübeck, Infinite Science Publishing, 467-470, 2022
Kastner S., Ebner M., Bullmann M., Fetzer T., Deinzer F., Grzegorzek M. Magnetic Signature Sensor Model for Accurate Short-Distance LocalizationIn: 2022 IEEE Sensors, Dallas, TX, USA, IEEE, 257, 1-4, 2022
Kepp T., Andresen J., Sudkamp H., Burchard C., Roider J., Hüttmann G., Ehrhardt J., Handels H. Epistemic and Aleatoric Uncertainty Estimation for PED Segmentation in Home OCT ImagesIn: Maier-Hein K., Deserno T., Handels H., Maier A., Palm C., Tolxdorff T., Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2022, Heidelberg, Informatik Aktuell, Springer Vieweg, Wiesbaden, 32-37, 2022
Keuth R., Bigalke A., Heinrich M.P. Pose-Based Control in Real-World Robotic ApplicationIn: Buzug T.M., Handels H., Klein S., Hübner C., Mertins A., Rostalski P., Student Conference Proceedings 2022: Medical Engineering Science, Medical Informatics, Biomedical Engineering, Auditory Technology, Biophysics and Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Lübeck, Infinite Science Publishing, 315-318, 2022
Khan M.H., Farid M.S., Grzegorzek M. A comprehensive study on codebook-based feature fusion for gait recognitionInformation Fusion, Elsevier, 92, 216-230, 2022
Kondeti R.R., Himstedt M., Heinrich M.P. Monocular Depth Estimation for Bronchoscopic NavigationIn: Buzug T.M., Handels H., Klein S., Hübner C., Mertins A., Rostalski P., Student Conference Proceedings 2022: Medical Engineering Science, Medical Informatics, Biomedical Engineering, Auditory Technology, Biophysics and Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Lübeck, Infinite Science Publishing, 471-474, 2022
Korda A.I., Andreou C., Avram M., Handels H., Martinetz T., Borgwardt S. Chaos analysis of the brain topology in first-episode psychosis and clinical high risk patients.Frontiers in psychiatry, 13, 965128, 2022
Koser N.C., Hempe H., Heinrich M.P. Analysis of the impact of super-resolution on medical CT-Scans for classification and segmentationIn: Buzug T.M., Handels H., Klein S., Hübner C., Mertins A., Rostalski P., Student Conference Proceedings 2022: Medical Engineering Science, Medical Informatics, Biomedical Engineering, Auditory Technology, Biophysics and Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Lübeck, Infinite Science Publishing, 235-238, 2022
Kruse V., Reimer N., Gebauer N., Bastian L., Fähnrich A., Küstner A., Leitner T., Sievert H., Tharun L., Halske C.Ingenerf J. et al. Establishment of an expert-curated database of therapy-relevant aberrations from whole-exome sequencing in the Molecular Tumor Boards of the Universitaren Cancer Center Schleswig-HolsteinIn: Oncology Research and Treatment, KARGER, 45, SUPPL 2, 219-219, 2022
Kulwa F., Li C., Zhang J., Shirahama K., Kosov S., Zhao X., Jiang T., Grzegorzek M. A new pairwise deep learning feature for environmental microorganism image analysis.Environmental science and pollution research international, Springer, 29, 34, 51909-51926, 2022
Li X., Li C., Rahaman M.M., Sun H., Li X., Wu J., Yao Y., Grzegorzek M. A comprehensive review of computer-aided whole-slide image analysis: from datasets to feature extraction, segmentation, classification and detection approachesArtificial Intelligence Review, Springer, 55, 2022
Liebenow L., Walter J., Hoffmann R., Steinhage A., Grzegorzek M. Classifying Changes in Motion Behaviour Due to a Hospital Stay Using Floor Sensor Data – A Single Case StudyIn: Information Technology in Biomedicine (ITIB 2022), Springer, 3-14, 2022
Lins C., Friedrich B., Hein A., Fudickar S. An evolutionary approach to continuously estimate CPR quality parameters from a wrist-worn inertial sensorHealth and Technology, 161-173, 2022
Liu W., Li C., Xu N., Jiang T., Rahaman M.M., Sun H., Wu X., Hu W., Chen H., Sun C.Grzegorzek M. et al. CVM-Cervix: A hybrid cervical Pap-smear image classification framework using CNN, visual transformer and multilayer perceptronPattern Recognition, Elsevier, 130, 2022
Liu W., Li C., Rahaman M.M., Jiang T., Sun H., Wu X., Hu W., Chen H., Sun C., Yao Y.Grzegorzek M. et al. Is the aspect ratio of cells important in deep learning? A robust comparison of deep learning methods for multi-scale cytopathology cell image classification: From convolutional neural networks to visual transformers.Computers in biology and medicine, Elsevier, 141, 2022
Liu W., Li C., Sun H., Hu W., Chen H., Grzegorzek M. DVT: Application of Deep Visual Transformer in Cervical Cell Image ClassificationIn: Information Technology in Biomedicine (ITIB 2022), Springer, 285-294, 2022
Löbe M., Ulrich H., Beger C., Bender T., Bauer C., Sax U., Ingenerf J., Winter A. Improving Findability of Digital Assets in Research Data Repositories Using the W3C DCAT VocabularyStudies in Health Technology and Informatics, 290, 61-65, 2022
Ma P., Li C., Rahaman M.M., Yao Y., Zhang J., Zou S., Zhao X., Grzegorzek M. A state-of-the-art survey of object detection techniques in microorganism image analysis: from classical methods to deep learning approaches.Artificial intelligence review, Springer, 1-72, 2022
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Maier-Hein K., Deserno T., Handels H., Maier A., Palm C., Tolxdorff T. (eds.) Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2022Springer Vieweg, Wiesbaden, Heidelberg, 2022
Neumann A., Kock-Schoppenhauer A.-K., Grabow D., Walz D., Filbert A.-L., Langer T., Ingenerf J. Mapping, Modeling and Standardization of Clinical Data into the HL7 FHIR Specification for the EU Project PanCareSurPassIn: Buzug T.M., Handels H., Klein S., Hübner C., Mertins A., Rostalski P., Student Conference Proceedings 2022: Medical Engineering Science, Medical Informatics, Biomedical Engineering, Auditory Technology, Biophysics and Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Lübeck, Infinite Science Publishing, 273-276, 2022
Ohlsen T., Drenkhahn C.M., Kruse V., Banach A., Ingenerf J. Mapping von ICD-O-Tupeln auf den OncoTree durch die Verwendung von SNOMED CT-PostkoordinationIn: 16. DVMD-Fachtagung, Leipzig, 2022
Ohlsen T., Kruse V., Krupar R., Banach A., Ingenerf J., Drenkhahn C.M. Mapping of ICD-O tuples to OncoTree codes using SNOMED CT post-coordinationMedical Informatics Europe, 294, 307--311, 2022
Raasch M., Grzegorzek M. Automatic Nightmare Recognition Using Convolutional Neural NetworkIn: Buzug T.M., Handels H., Klein S., Hübner C., Mertins A., Rostalski P., Student Conference Proceedings 2022: Medical Engineering Science, Medical Informatics, Biomedical Engineering, Auditory Technology, Biophysics and Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Lübeck, Infinite Science Publishing, 187-190, 2022
Rosenau L., Majeed R.W., Ingenerf J., Kiel A., Kroll B., Köhler T., Prokosch H.-U., Gruendner J. Generation of a Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR)-based Ontology for Federated Feasibility Queries in the Context of COVID-19: Feasibility StudyJMIR Medical Informatics, 10, 4, e35789, 2022
Santarossa M., Tatli A., Burchard C., Andresen J., Roider J., Handels H., Koch R. Chronological Registration of OCT and Autofluorescence Findings in CSCR: Two Distinct Patterns in Disease Course.Diagnostics (Basel, Switzerland), 12, 8, 1780, 2022
Schneider F., Ehrhardt J. Analysis and implementation of semi-supervised segmentation methods using autoencodersIn: Buzug T.M., Handels H., Klein S., Hübner C., Mertins A., Rostalski P., Student Conference Proceedings 2022: Medical Engineering Science, Medical Informatics, Biomedical Engineering, Auditory Technology, Biophysics and Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Lübeck, Infinite Science Publishing, 479-482, 2022
Schumacher M., Bade R., Genz A., Heinrich M.P. Iterative 3D CNN based Segmentation of Vascular Trees in Liver CTIn: Maier-Hein K., Deserno T., Handels H., Maier A., Palm C., Tolxdorff T., Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2022, Heidelberg, Informatik Aktuell, Springer Vieweg, Wiesbaden, 7-12, 2022
Seitzer C., Piet A., Schilling F., Grzegorzek M. Improving the Usability of a User Interface for the Creation of PCR Test SpecificationsIn: Buzug T.M., Handels H., Klein S., Hübner C., Mertins A., Rostalski P., Student Conference Proceedings 2022: Medical Engineering Science, Medical Informatics, Biomedical Engineering, Auditory Technology, Biophysics and Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Lübeck, Infinite Science Publishing, 113-116, 2022
Stahr B., Fudickar S., Lins C. Mobile Applications for Self-management of Chronic Diseases: A Systematic ReviewIn: Bier N., Fred A., Gamboa H., Proceedings of the 15th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies - HEALTHInf, INSTICC - Institute for Systems and Technologies of Information, Control and Communication, 542-548, 2022
Stein A., Otte K., Röhling H.M., Li F., Nisar M.A., Grzegorzek M. Segmentation of infants in depth data: Evaluation of thresholding approachesIn: Buzug T.M., Handels H., Klein S., Hübner C., Mertins A., Rostalski P., Student Conference Proceedings 2022: Medical Engineering Science, Medical Informatics, Biomedical Engineering, Auditory Technology, Biophysics and Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Lübeck, Infinite Science Publishing, 307-310, 2022
Strenge P., Lange B., Grill C., Draxinger W., Danicke V., Theisen-Kunde D., Hagel C., Spahr-Hess S., Bonsanto M.M., Huber R.Handels H. et al. Registration of histological brain images onto optical coherence tomography images based on shape informationPhysics in Medicine & Biology, 67, 13, 2022
Strenge P., Lange B., Draxinger W., Grill C., Danicke V., Theisen-Kunde D., Hagel C., Spahr-Hess S., Bonsanto M.M., Handels H. et al. Differentiation of different stages of brain tumor infiltration using optical coherence tomography: Comparison of two systems and histologyFrontiers in Oncology, 12, 896060, 2022
Trense C., Piet A., Huang X., Grzegorzek M. Comparison of Data Augmentation Techniques for PhenotypeData of Parkinson’s PatientsIn: Buzug T.M., Handels H., Klein S., Hübner C., Mertins A., Rostalski P., Student Conference Proceedings 2022: Medical Engineering Science, Medical Informatics, Biomedical Engineering, Auditory Technology, Biophysics and Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Lübeck, Infinite Science Publishing, 207-210, 2022
Ulrich H., Kock-Schoppenhauer A.-K., Deppenwiese N., Gött R., Kern J., Lablans M., Majeed R.W., Stöhr M., Stausberg J., Varghese J.Ingenerf J. et al. Understanding the Nature of Metadata – A Systematic ReviewJournal of Medical Internet Research, 24, 1, e25440, 2022
Ulrich H., Uzunova H., Handels H., Ingenerf J. Proposal of Semantic Annotation for German Metadata Using Bidirectional Recurrent Neural Networks.Studies in health technology and informatics, 294, 357-361, 2022
Uzunova H., Wilms M., Forkert N.D., Handels H., Ehrhardt J. A systematic comparison of generative models for medical imagesInternational Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, 1-12, 2022
Uzunova H., Handels H., Ehrhardt J. Guided Filter Regularization for Improved Disentanglement of Shape and Appearance in Diffeomorphic AutoencodersIn: Maier-Hein K., Deserno T., Handels H., Maier A., Palm C., Tolxdorff T., Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2022, Heidelberg, Informatik Aktuell, Springer Vieweg, Wiesbaden, Abstract:81, 2022
Uzunova H., Basso L., Ehrhardt J., Handels H. Synthesis of annotated pathological retinal OCT data with pathology-induced deformationsIn: Proc. SPIE 12033, Medical Imaging 2022: Computer-Aided Diagnosis, San Diego, United States, SPIE, 12033, 2022
Uzunova H., Basso L., Ehrhardt J., Handels H. Synthesis of annotated pathological retinal OCT data with pathology-induced deformationsIn: Maier-Hein K., Deserno T., Handels H., Maier A., Palm C., Tolxdorff T., Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2022, Heidelberg, Informatik Aktuell, Springer Vieweg, Wiesbaden, Abstract:197, 2022
Uzunova H. Generative Deep-Learning-Modelle für die automatische Analyse und Synthese von medizinischen Bilddaten mit pathologischen StrukturenIn: Ausgezeichnete Informatikdissertationen 2021, Hölldobler S., Lecture Notes in Informatics - Dissertations, 291-300, 2022
Vogl K., Ingenerf J., Kramer J., Chantraine C., Drenkhahn C.M. LUMA: A Mapping Assistant for Standardizing the Units of LOINC-Coded Laboratory TestsApplied Sciences, 12, 12, 5848, 2022
Walter J., Liebenow L., Hoffmann R., Grzegorzek M. Detecting behavioral changes of an individual using a Random Forest classifier on floor sensor dataIn: Buzug T.M., Handels H., Klein S., Hübner C., Mertins A., Rostalski P., Student Conference Proceedings 2022: Medical Engineering Science, Medical Informatics, Biomedical Engineering, Auditory Technology, Biophysics and Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Lübeck, Infinite Science Publishing, 203-206, 2022
Wang X., Xu C., Grzegorzek M., Sun H. Habitat radiomics analysis of pet/ct imaging in high-grade serous ovarian cancer: Application to Ki-67 status and progression-free survival.Frontiers in Physiology, Frontiers Media, 13, 2022
Wiedekopf J., Ulrich H., Drenkhahn C.M., Kock-Schoppenhauer A.-K., Ingenerf J. TermiCron – Bridging the Gap between FHIR Terminology Servers and Metadata RepositoriesStudies in Health Technology and Informatics, 290, 71-75, 2022
Wiedekopf J., Drenkhahn C.M., Rosenau L., Ulrich H., Kock-Schoppenhauer A.-K., Ingenerf J. TerminoDiff – Detecting Semantic Differences in HL7 FHIR CodeSystemsStudies in Health Technology and Informatics, 294, 362--366, 2022
Yang H., Zhao X., Jiang T., Zhang J., Zhao P., Chen A., Grzegorzek M., Qi S., Teng Y., Li C. Comparative Study for Patch-Level and Pixel-Level Segmentation of Deep Learning Methods on Transparent Images of Environmental Microorganisms: From Convolutional Neural Networks to Visual TransformersApplied Sciences, MDPI, 12, 18, 2022
Zhang J., Ma P., Jiang T., Zhao X., Tan W., Zhang J., Zou S., Huang X., Grzegorzek M., Li C. SEM-RCNN: A Squeeze-and-Excitation-Based Mask Region Convolutional Neural Network for Multi-Class Environmental Microorganism DetectionApplied Sciences, MDPI, 12, 19, 2022
Zhang J., Zhao X., Jiang T., Rahaman M.M., Yao Y., Lin Y.-H., Zhang J., Pan A., Grzegorzek M., Li C. An Application of Pixel Interval Down-Sampling (PID) for Dense Tiny Microorganism Counting on Environmental Microorganism ImagesApplied Sciences, MDPI, 12, 14, 2022
Zhang J., Li C., Yin Y., Zhang J., Grzegorzek M. Applications of artificial neural networks in microorganism image analysis: a comprehensive review from conventional multilayer perceptron to popular convolutional neural network and potential visual transformer.Artificial intelligence review, Springer, 1-58, 2022
Zhang Y., Sang L., Grzegorzek M., See J., Yang C. BlumNet: Graph Component Detection for Object Skeleton ExtractionIn: MM '22, Lisboa Portugal, Proceedings of the 30th ACM International Conference on Multimedia, ACM, 5527-5536, 2022
Zhang J., Li C., Sun H., Grzegorzek M. PIS-Net: A Novel Pixel Interval Sampling Network for Dense Microorganism Counting in Microscopic ImagesIn: Information Technology in Biomedicine (ITIB 2022), Springer, 307-318, 2022
Zhao P., Li C., Rahaman M.M., Xu H., Ma P., Yang H., Sun H., Jiang T., Xu N., Grzegorzek M. EMDS-6: Environmental Microorganism Image Dataset Sixth Version for Image Denoising, Segmentation, Feature Extraction, Classification, and Detection Method Evaluation.Frontiers in Microbiology, Frontiers Media, 13, 829027, 2022
Zhao P., Li C., Rahaman M.M., Xu H., Yang H., Sun H., Jiang T., Grzegorzek M. A Comparative Study of Deep Learning Classification Methods on a Small Environmental Microorganism Image Dataset (EMDS-6): From Convolutional Neural Networks to Visual Transformers.Frontiers in microbiology, Frontiers Media, 13, 2022
Zheng Y., Li C., Zhou X., Chen H., Zhang H., Li Y., Sun H., Grzegorzek M. Image Classification in Breast Histopathology Using Transfer and Ensemble LearningIn: Information Technology in Biomedicine (ITIB 2022), Springer, 295-306, 2022
Zou S., Li C., Sun H., Xu P., Zhang J., Ma P., Yao Y., Huang X., Grzegorzek M. TOD-CNN: An effective convolutional neural network for tiny object detection in sperm videos.Computers in biology and medicine, Elsevier, 146, 2022
Ablaß T., Ulrich H., Kock-Schoppenhauer A.-K., Simon F., Wagenzink S., Maushagen R., Habermann J.K., Ingenerf J. Konzeption und Implementierung einer Geräteschnittstelle des TECAN EVO Aliquotierroboter im BiobankkontextGMS Medizinische Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie, 2021
Ai S., Li C., Li X., Jiang T., Grzegorzek M., Sun C., Rahaman M.M., Zhang J., Yao Y., Li H. A State-of-the-Art Review for Gastric Histopathology Image Analysis Approaches and Future DevelopmentBioMed Research International, Hindawi, 2021
Alvi H.M.U.H., Farid M.S., Khan M.H., Grzegorzek M. Quality Assessment of 3D Synthesized Images Based on Textural and Structural Distortion EstimationApplied Sciences, MDPI, 11, 6, 2666, 2021
Amjad F., Khan M.H., Nisar M.A., Farid M.S., Grzegorzek M. A Comparative Study of Feature Selection Approaches for Human Activity Recognition Using Multimodal Sensory DataSensors, MDPI, 21, 7, 2368, 2021
Andresen J., Kepp T., Ehrhardt J., Burchard C., Roider J., Handels H. CNN-based joint non-correspondence detection and registration of retinal optical coherence tomography imagesIn: CARS 2021: Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery Proceedings of the 35th International Congress and Exhibition, June 21-25, 2021, Munich, Germany, International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, 16, 20-21, 2021
Andresen J., Uzunova H., Ehrhardt J., Handels H. New Multiple Sclerosis Lesion Detection with Convolutional Neural Registration NetworksIn: Commowick O., Cervenansky F., Cotton F., Dojat M., Proceedings of the 2nd MICCAI challenge on multiple sclerosis new lesions segmentation challenge using a data management and processing infrastructure — MICCAI-MSSEG-2, 111-114, 2021
Banach A., Kock-Schoppenhauer A.-K., Ulrich H., Ingenerf J. The Automatic Evaluation of Metadata in HealthcareGMS Medizinische Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie, 2021
Banach A., Ulrich H., Kroll B., Kiel A., Ingenerf J., Kock-Schoppenhauer A.-K. APERITIF – Automatic Patient Recruiting for Clinical Trials Based on HL7 FHIRStudies in Health Technology and Informatics, 281, 58-62, 2021
Barkow L., Meincke O., Ulrich H., Ingenerf J. Fit for Purpose: Analyzing the Loss of Data integrating the Archiving and Exchange Interface for Medical Practice Management SystemsStudies in Health Technology and Informatics, 278, 80-85, 2021
Basso L., Oehler M., Grzegorzek M. Breathing Rate Estimation during Sleep using Capacitive ECG ElectrodesIn: Buzug T.M., Handels H., Hübner C., Klein S., Mertins A., Rostalski P., Student Conference Proceedings 2021: Medical Engineering Science, Medical Informatics, Biomedical Engineering, Auditory Technology, Biophysics and Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Lübeck, Infinite Science Publishing, 211-214, 2021
Benecke S., Frischke M., Diesel J., Heinrich M.P. Improvement of Machine Learning Algorithms for Object DetectionIn: Buzug T.M., Handels H., Hübner C., Klein S., Mertins A., Rostalski P., Student Conference Proceedings 2021: Medical Engineering Science, Medical Informatics, Biomedical Engineering, Auditory Technology, Biophysics and Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Lübeck, Infinite Science Publishing, 325-328, 2021
Bigalke A., Hansen L., Heinrich M.P. End-to-end learning of body weight prediction from point clouds with basis point setsIn: Palm C., Deserno T.M., Handels H., Maier A., Maier-Hein K.H., Tolxdorff T., Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2021, Regensburg, Informatik aktuell, Springer Vieweg, Wiesbaden, 254-259, 2021
Blendowski M., Hansen L., Heinrich M.P. Weakly-supervised learning of multi-modal features for regularised iterative descent in 3D image registrationMedical Image Analysis, 67, 101822, 2021
Böhlen C., Brinkmann A., Fudickar S., Hellmers S., Hein A. Evaluating a Multi Depth Camera System to Consolidate Ergonomic Work in the Education of CaregiversIn: Proceedings of the 14th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies, SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications, 2021
Büker L.C., Zuber F., Hein A., Fudickar S. HRDepthNet: Depth Image-Based Marker-Less Tracking of Body JointsSensors, 21, 4, 2021
Buzug T.M., Handels H., Klein S., Hübner C., Mertins A., Rostalski P. (eds.) Student Conference Proceedings 2021: 10th C. on Medical Engineering Science and 6th C. on Medical Informatics and 4th C. on Biomedical Engineering and 3rd C. on Auditory Technology and 1st C. on Biophysics and 1st C. on Robotics and Autonomous SystemsInfinite Science Publishing, Lübeck, 2021
Chenzhang L., Heinrich M.P. FlowNet application for 3D image registrationIn: Buzug T.M., Handels H., Hübner C., Klein S., Mertins A., Rostalski P., Student Conference Proceedings 2021: Medical Engineering Science, Medical Informatics, Biomedical Engineering, Auditory Technology, Biophysics and Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Lübeck, Infinite Science Publishing, 291-294, 2021
Drenkhahn C.M., Ulrich H., Ingenerf J. An ontology-based tool to visually compare LOINC subsetsGMS Medizinische Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie, 2021
Drenkhahn C.M., Burmester S., Ballout S., Ulrich H., Wiedekopf J., Ingenerf J. Using FHIR terminology services-based tools for mapping of local microbiological pathogen terms to SNOMED CT at a German university hospitalIn: DVMD-Fokus: Datenzugriff und -bereitstellung, Leipzig, 2021
Drenkhahn C.M., Ingenerf J. lost in translation? semantische standardisierung!, 14, 25-28, 2021
Fleitmann M., Uzunova H., Stroth A.M., Gerlach J., Fürschke A., Barkhausen J., Bischof A., Handels H. Deep-Learning-based Feature Encoding of Clinical Parameters for Patient Specific CTA Dose OptimizationIn: International Conference on Wireless Mobile Communication and Healthcare, Springer, Cham, 315-322, 2021
Friedrich B., Steen E.-E., Fudickar S., Hein A. Analysing the Correlation of Geriatric Assessment Scores and Activity in Smart HomesInternational Journal of UbiComp, Academy and Industry Research Collaboration Center (AIRCC), 12, 2, 1-15, 2021
Fudickar S., Nustede E.J., Dreyer E., Bornhorst J. Mask R-CNN Based C. Elegans Detection with a DIY MicroscopeBiosensors, 11, 8, 2021
Fudickar S., Kiselev J., Stolle C., Frenken T., Steinhagen-Thiessen E., Wegel S., Hein A. Validation of a Laser Ranged Scanner-Based Detection of Spatio-Temporal Gait Parameters Using the aTUG ChairSensors, 21, 4, 2021
Germer S., Lambarki M., Ulrich H., Ingenerf J., Lablans M. Visualization and Exploration of Integrated Patient DataIn: Buzug T.M., Handels H., Hübner C., Klein S., Mertins A., Rostalski P., Student Conference Proceedings 2021: Medical Engineering Science, Medical Informatics, Biomedical Engineering, Auditory Technology, Biophysics and Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Lübeck, Infinite Science Publishing, 359-362, 2021
Gouverneur P., Li F., Adamczyk W., Szikszay T., Lüdtke K., Grzegorzek M. Comparison of Feature Extraction Methods for Physiological Signals for Heat-based Pain RecognitionSensors, MDPI, 21, 2021
Hansen L., Heinrich M.P. Probabilistic Dense Displacement Networks for Medical Image Registration - Contributions to the Learn2Reg challengeIn: Palm C., Deserno T.M., Handels H., Maier A., Maier-Hein K.H., Tolxdorff T., Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2021, Regensburg, Informatik aktuell, Springer Vieweg, Wiesbaden, 125-126, 2021
Henselmeyer S., Grzegorzek M. Short-Term Load Forecasting Using an Attended Sequential Encoder-Stacked Decoder Model with Online TrainingApplied Sciences, MDPI, 11, 2021
Hoffmann R., Brodowski H., Steinhage A., Grzegorzek M. Detecting Walking Challenges in Gait Patterns Using a Capacitive Sensor Floor and Recurrent Neural NetworksSensors, MDPI, 21, 4, 1086, 2021
Huttmann G., Wunderlich M., Koch P., Sudkamp H., Theisen-Kunde D., Kepp T., Handels H., Burchard C., Roider J. Improved SELFF-OCT using motion correction and artifact detectionInvestigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 62, 8, 2527, 2021
Ilyas A., Farid M.S., Khan M.H., Grzegorzek M. Exploiting Superpixels for Multi-Focus Image FusionEntropy, MDPI, 23, 2, 2021
Kasparick M., Köny M., Andersen B., Riech K., Keller A., Kämmer S., Guth A., Mündermann L., Stickel A., Klöckner S. et al. Service-Oriented Medical Device Connectivity: Particular Interoperability Standards for High Frequency Surgical Equipment and External Control DevicesCurrent Directions in Biomedical Engineering, 7, 2, 523-526, 2021
Khan M.H., Farid M.S., Grzegorzek M. Vision-based Approaches towards Person Identification Using GaitComputer Science Review, Elsevier, 42, 2021
Klein D., Witt O., Grzegorzek M. Detection of glycemic abnormalities based on continuous glucose measurementsIn: Buzug T.M., Handels H., Hübner C., Klein S., Mertins A., Rostalski P., Student Conference Proceedings 2021: Medical Engineering Science, Medical Informatics, Biomedical Engineering, Auditory Technology, Biophysics and Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Lübeck, Infinite Science Publishing, 155-158, 2021
Kock-Schoppenhauer A.-K., Schreiweis B., Ulrich H., Reimer N., Wiedekopf J., Kinast B., Busch H., Bergh B., Ingenerf J. Medical Data Engineering – Theory and PracticeIn: Bellatreche L., Chernishev G., Corral A., Ouchani S., Vain J., Advances in Model and Data Engineering in the Digitalization Era. MEDI 2021, Communications in Computer and Information Science, Springer, Cham, 1481, 2021
Kruse C., Hansen L., Heinrich M.P. Multi-modal Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Deformable Registration Based on Maximum Classifier DiscrepancyIn: Palm C., Deserno T.M., Handels H., Maier A., Maier-Hein K.H., Tolxdorff T., Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2021, Regensburg, Informatik aktuell, Springer Vieweg, Wiesbaden, 192-197, 2021
Lange I., Jacob F., Frydrychowicz A., Handels H., Ehrhardt J. CT Normalization by Paired Image-to-image Translation for Lung Emphysema QuantificationIn: Palm C., Deserno T.M., Handels H., Maier A., Maier-Hein K., Tolxdorff T., Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2021, Wiesbaden, Informatik Aktuell, Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 276-281, 2021
Lins C., Fudickar S., Hein A. OWAS inter-rater reliabilityApplied Ergonomics, 93, 103357, 2021
Maqsood A., Farid M.S., Khan M.H., Grzegorzek M. Deep Malaria Parasite Detection in Thin Blood Smear Microscopic ImagesApplied Sciences, MDPI, 114, 5, 2284, 2021
Müller F., Neffin R., Krug M., Handels H. Dynamic Positioning of an OCT-Scanbeam using 3D Object-Tracking in Stereo Microscope ImagesIn: Buzug T.M., Handels H., Hübner C., Klein S., Mertins A., Rostalski P., Student Conference Proceedings 2021: Medical Engineering Science, Medical Informatics, Biomedical Engineering, Auditory Technology, Biophysics and Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Lübeck, Infinite Science Publishing, 263-266, 2021
Ottink F.A., Koehler G., Heinrich M.P. Towards Effective Contrastive Pretraining for Medical Image SegmentationIn: Buzug T.M., Handels H., Hübner C., Klein S., Mertins A., Rostalski P., Student Conference Proceedings 2021: Medical Engineering Science, Medical Informatics, Biomedical Engineering, Auditory Technology, Biophysics and Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Lübeck, Infinite Science Publishing, 287-290, 2021
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Palm C., Deserno T.M., Handels H., Maier A., Maier-Hein K.H., Tolxdorff T. (eds.) Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2021Springer Vieweg, Berlin Heidelberg, Regensburg, 2021
Peifer C., Pollak A., Flak O., Pyszka A., Nisar M.A., Irshad M.T., Grzegorzek M., Kordyaka B., Kożusznik B. The Symphony of Team Flow in Virtual Teams. Using Artificial Intelligence for Its Recognition and PromotionFrontiers in Psychology, Frontiers Media, 12, 2021
Rajput A.-M., Drenkhahn C.M. Perspectives and Obstacles for Transforming Terminologies into FHIR CodeSystems Exemplified by Alpha-IDStudies in Health Technology and Informatics, 281, 213-217, 2021
Reimer N., Ulrich H., Busch H., Kock-Schoppenhauer A.-K., Ingenerf J. openEHR Mapper – A Tool to Fusion Clinical and Genomic Data using the openEHR standardStudies in Health Technology and Informatics, 278, 86-93, 2021
Reimer N., Unberath P., Busch H., Ingenerf J. FhirSpark – Implementing a mediation layer to bring FHIR to the cBioPortal for Cancer GenomicsStudies in Health Technology and Informatics, 281, 303-307, 2021
Riech K., Ulrich H., Ingenerf J., Andersen B. Mapping of Medical Device Data from IEEE 11073-10207 to HL7 FHIRGMS Medizinische Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie, 17, 2, 2021
Riech K., Andersen B., Kasparick M., Ingenerf J. Enabling Semantic Interoperability for Endoscopic DevicesIn: Buzug T.M., Handels H., Hübner C., Klein S., Mertins A., Rostalski P., Student Conference Proceedings 2021: Medical Engineering Science, Medical Informatics, Biomedical Engineering, Auditory Technology, Biophysics and Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Lübeck, Infinite Science Publishing, 355-358, 2021
Ritter J., Schwarzmann M.D., Karstensen L., Grzegorzek M. Comparison of deep reinforcement learning algorithms for Catheter-based interventionsIn: Buzug T.M., Handels H., Hübner C., Klein S., Mertins A., Rostalski P., Student Conference Proceedings 2021: Medical Engineering Science, Medical Informatics, Biomedical Engineering, Auditory Technology, Biophysics and Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Lübeck, Infinite Science Publishing, 313-316, 2021
Schladetzky J., Studer M., Handels H. Segmentation of Cutaneous Lymphoma Lesions Using Convolutional Neural NetworksIn: Buzug T.M., Handels H., Hübner C., Klein S., Mertins A., Rostalski P., Student Conference Proceedings 2021: Medical Engineering Science, Medical Informatics, Biomedical Engineering, Auditory Technology, Biophysics and Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Lübeck, Infinite Science Publishing, 329-332, 2021
Schumacher M., Frey D., Ha I.Y., Genz A., Bade R., Heinrich M.P. Semantically Guided 3D Abdominal Image Registration with Deep Pyramid Feature LearningIn: Palm C., Deserno T.M., Handels H., Maier A., Maier-Hein K.H., Tolxdorff T., Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2021, Regensburg, Informatik aktuell, Springer Vieweg, Wiesbaden, 16-21, 2021
Siebert H., Hansen L., Heinrich M.P. Evaluating Design Choices for Deep Learning Registration Networks - Architecture MattersIn: Palm C., Deserno T.M., Handels H., Maier A., Maier-Hein K.H., Tolxdorff T., Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2021, Regensburg, Informatik aktuell, Springer Vieweg, Wiesbaden, 111-116, 2021
Siebert H., Rajamani K.T., Heinrich M.P. Learning inverse consistent 3D groupwise registration with deforming autoencodersIn: SPIE Medical Imaging 2021, SPIE, 2021
Simon F., Kock-Schoppenhauer A.-K., Ulrich H., Oberländer M., Maushagen R., Flügge F., Ingenerf J. Provision of sensitive clinical and biobank data for research in compliance with data protection regulationsIn: Buzug T.M., Handels H., Hübner C., Klein S., Mertins A., Rostalski P., Student Conference Proceedings 2021: Medical Engineering Science, Medical Informatics, Biomedical Engineering, Auditory Technology, Biophysics and Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Lübeck, Infinite Science Publishing, 133-136, 2021
Stolze R., Hauffe R., Kanev J., Li F. Implementation of a medical Android application for measuring EEG data and storing them onto a remote serverIn: Buzug T.M., Handels H., Hübner C., Klein S., Mertins A., Rostalski P., Student Conference Proceedings 2021: Medical Engineering Science, Medical Informatics, Biomedical Engineering, Auditory Technology, Biophysics and Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Lübeck, Infinite Science Publishing, 307-310, 2021
Strenge P., Lange B., Grill C., Draxinger W., Danicke V., Theisen-Kunde D., Handels H., Hagel C., Bonsanto M.M., Huber R. et al. Creating a depth-resolved OCT-dataset for supervised classification based on ex vivo human brain samplesIn: Optical Coherence Tomography and Coherence Domain Optical Methods in Biomedicine XXV, Online Only, United States, International Society for Optics and Photonics, 11630, 116301S, 2021
Strenge P., Lange B., Grill C., Draxinger W., Danicke V., Theisen-Kunde D., Handels H., Bonsanto M.M., Hagel C., Huber R. et al. Characterization of brain tumor tissue with 1310 nm optical coherence tomographyIn: Optical Coherence Tomography and Coherence Domain Optical Methods in Biomedicine XXV, Online Only, United States, International Society for Optics and Photonics, 11630, 116301T, 2021
Strenge P., Lange B., Grill C., Draxinger W., Danicke V., Theisen-Kunde D., Handels H., Bonsanto M.M., Hagel C., Huber R. et al. Comparison of two optical coherence tomography systems to identify human brain tumorIn: Optical Coherence Imaging Techniques and Imaging in Scattering Media IV, Online Only, Germany, SPIE, 20, 2021
Ulrich H., Behrend P., Wiedekopf J., Drenkhahn C.M., Kock-Schoppenhauer A.-K., Ingenerf J. Hands on the Medical Informatics Initiative Core Data Sets - Lessons Learned from Converting the MIMIC-IVStudies in Health Technology and Informatics, 283, 119-126, 2021
Uzunova H., Handels H., Ehrhardt J. Guided Filter Regularization for Improved Disentanglement of Shape and Appearance in Diffeomorphic AutoencodersIn: Medical Imaging with Deep Learning (MIDL 2021), 2021
Uzunova H., Kruse J., Kaftan P., Wilms M., Forkert N.D., Handels H., Ehrhardt J. Analysis of Generative Shape Modeling ApproachesIn: Palm C., Deserno T.M., Handels H., Maier A., Maier-Hein K., Tolxdorff T., Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2021, Wiesbaden, Informatik Aktuell, Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 344-349, 2021
Wiedekopf J., Ulrich H., Essenwanger A., Kiel A., Kock-Schoppenhauer A.-K., Ingenerf J. Desiderata for a Synthetic Clinical Data Generator - Requirements from an International PerspectiveStudies in Health Technology and Informatics, 281, 68-72, 2021
Wiedekopf J., Drenkhahn C.M., Ulrich H., Kock-Schoppenhauer A.-K., Ingenerf J. Providing ART-DECOR ValueSets via FHIR Terminology Servers – A Technical ReportStudies in Health Technology and Informatics, 283, 127-135, 2021
Wulff A., Baier C., Ballout S., Tute E., Sommer K.K., Kaase M., Sargeant A., Drenkhahn C.M., Schlüter D., Marschollek M. et al. Transformation of microbiology data into a standardised data representation using OpenEHRScientific Reports, 11, 10556, 2021
Zamnius D., Heinrich M.P., Lukas S., Siebert H. Intertemporal Slice-to-Volume matching in Cardiac CT Perfusion ImagingIn: Buzug T.M., Handels H., Hübner C., Klein S., Mertins A., Rostalski P., Student Conference Proceedings 2021: Medical Engineering Science, Medical Informatics, Biomedical Engineering, Auditory Technology, Biophysics and Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Lübeck, Infinite Science Publishing, 267-270, 2021
Zhang J., Li C., Kosov S., Grzegorzek M., Shirahama K., Jiang T., Sun C., Li Z., Li H. LCU-Net: A novel low-cost U-Net for environmental microorganism image segmentationPattern Recognition, Elsevier, 115, 2021
Zhang J., Li C., Rahaman M.M., Yao Y., Ma P., Zhang J., Zhao X., Jiang T., Grzegorzek M. A Comprehensive Review of Image Analysis Methods for Microorganism Counting: From Classical Image Processing to Deep Learning ApproachesArtificial Intelligence Review, Springer, 2021
Zhibin X., Heinrich M.P. Deep learning-based image registration for voxel-based morphometryIn: Buzug T.M., Handels H., Hübner C., Klein S., Mertins A., Rostalski P., Student Conference Proceedings 2021: Medical Engineering Science, Medical Informatics, Biomedical Engineering, Auditory Technology, Biophysics and Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Lübeck, Infinite Science Publishing, 275-278, 2021
Andersen B., Kasparick M., Riech K., Klöckner S., Keller A., Mündermann L., Maier-Holzberg J., Timmermann D., Ingenerf J. Service-Oriented Medical Device Connectivity: Particular Standards for Endoscopic SurgeryIn: 2020 42nd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC), Montreal, QC, Canada, IEEE, 5649-5652, 2020
Arizpe-Gomez P., Harms K., Fudickar S., Janitzky K., Witt K., Hein A. Preliminary Viability Test of a 3-D-Consumer-Camera-Based System for Automatic Gait Feature Detection in People with and without Parkinson's DiseaseIn: Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Healthcare Informatics (ICHI), Oldenburg, Germany, IEEE, 1-7, 2020
Banach A., Kock-Schoppenhauer A.-K., Ulrich H., Ingenerf J. MetaCheck – a Web Application for the Automatic Evaluation of Metadata in HealthcareIn: Buzug T.M., Handels H., Klein S., Mertins A., Student Conference 2020, Medical Engineering Science, Medical Informatics, Biomedical Engineering and Auditory Technology, Lübeck, Infinite Science Publishing, 143-146, 2020
Barkow L., Meincke O., Ulrich H., Ingenerf J. Analysis of Data Loss when using the Archiving and Exchange Interface for Practice Management SystemsIn: Buzug T.M., Handels H., Klein S., Mertins A., Student Conference 2020, Medical Engineering Science, Medical Informatics, Biomedical Engineering and Auditory Technology, Lübeck, Infinite Science Publishing, 123-126, 2020
Bartram L., Dedersen B., Heinrich M.P. Development of a Deep Learning based classification of respirator masks for a mobile applicationIn: Buzug T.M., Handels H., Klein S., Mertins A., Student Conference 2020, Medical Engineering Science, Medical Informatics, Biomedical Engineering and Auditory Technology, Lübeck, Infinite Science Publishing, 193-196, 2020
Blendowski M., Bouteldja N., Heinrich M.P. Multimodal 3D medical image registration guided by shape encoder–decoder networksInternational Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, 15, 269-276, 2020
Blendowski M., Heinrich M.P. Self-Supervised 3D Context Feature Learning on Unlabeled Volume DataIn: Tolxdorff T., Deserno T.M., Handels H., Maier A., Maier-Hein K.H., Palm C., Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2020, Berlin, Informatik aktuell, Springer Vieweg, Wiesbaden, 192, 2020
Blendowski M., Heinrich M.P. Learning to map between ferns with differentiable binary embedding networksIn: International Conference on Medical Imaging with Deep Learning, PMLR, 2020
Boudnik L., Hochreiter J., Müllegger G., Heinrich M.P. Removal of ECG artifacts caused by mechanical CPR using externally recorded compression markersIn: Buzug T.M., Handels H., Klein S., Mertins A., Student Conference 2020, Medical Engineering Science, Medical Informatics, Biomedical Engineering and Auditory Technology, Lübeck, Infinite Science Publishing, 323-326, 2020
Brinkmann A., Fifelski C., Lau S., Kowalski C., Meyer O., Diekmann R., Isken M., Fudickar S., Hein A. The AAL/Care Laboratory – A Healthcare Prevention System for CaregiversNanomaterials and Energy, 9, 1, 1-10, 2020
Brügge N.S., Eger M., Handzsuj T., Walterspracher S., Rostalski P. Convolutional and Recurrent Neural Networks for Surface Electromyography Based Respiratory Diagnostics and TherapyIn: Buzug T.M., Handels H., Klein S., Mertins A., Student Conference 2020, Medical Engineering Science, Medical Informatics, Biomedical Engineering and Auditory Technology, Lübeck, Infinite Science Publishing, 343-346, 2020
Bullmann M., Fetzer T., Ebner F., Ebner M., Deinzer F., Grzegorzek M. Comparison of 2.4 GHz WiFi FTM- and RSSI-Based Indoor Positioning Methods in Realistic ScenariosSensors, MDPI, 20, 2020
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Buzug T.M., Handels H., Klein S., Mertins A. (eds.) Student Conference Proceedings 2020: 9th Conference on Medical Engineering Science and 5th Conference on Medical Informatics and 3rd Conference on Biomedical Engineering and 2nd Conference on Auditory TechnologyInfinite Science Publishing, Lübeck, 2020
Carass A., Roy S., Gherman A., Reinhold J.C., Jesson A., Arbel T., Maier O., Handels H., Ghafoorian M., Platel B. et al. Evaluating White Matter Lesion Segmentations with Refined Sørensen-Dice AnalysisScientific Reports, 10, 1, 1-19, 2020
Diekmann R., Hellmers S., Elgert L., Fudickar S., Heinks A., Lau S., Bauer J.M., Zieschang T., Hein A. Minimizing comprehensive geriatric assessment to identify deterioration of physical performance in a healthy community-dwelling older cohort: longitudinal data of the AEQUIPA Versa studyAging Clinical and Experimental Research, Springer International Publishing, 2020
Drenkhahn C.M., Ingenerf J. The LOINC Content Model and Its Limitations of Usage in the Laboratory DomainStudies in Health Technology and Informatics, 270, 437-442, 2020
Drenkhahn C.M., Ingenerf J. Referenzterminologie SNOMED CTmedizin://dokumentation/informatik/informationsmanagement/ (mdi), BVMI und DVMD, 3_2020, 81-84, 2020
Ebner M., Fetzer T., Bullmann M., Deinzer F., Grzegorzek M. Recognition of Typical Locomotion Activities Based on the Sensor Data of a Smartphone in Pocket or HandSensors, MDPI, 20, 22, 2020
Fleitmann M., Soika K.L., Stroth A.M., Gerlach J., Fürschke A., Hunold P., Barkhausen J., Bischof A., Handels H. Computer-Assisted Quality Assessment of Aortic CT Angiographies for Patient-Individual Dose AdjustmentStudies in Health Technology and Informatics, Genf, 270, 123-127, 2020
Fleitmann M., Soika K., Stroth A.M., Gerlach J., Fürschke A., Hunold P., Barkhausen J., Bischof A., Handels H. Computer-Assisted Quality Assessment of Aortic CT Angiographies for Patient-Individual Dose AdjustmentStudies in Health Technology and Informatics, 270, 123-127, 2020
Fudickar S., Kappes R., Horstmann M., Isken M., Hein A. Cycling Monitoring System - Sensing Cycling Performance via a Pedal-Integrated IMUNanomaterials and Energy, 9, 1, 1-6, 2020
Fudickar S., Hellmers S., Lau S., Diekmann R., Bauer J.M., Hein A. Measurement System for Unsupervised Standardized Assessment of Timed “Up & Go” and Five Times Sit to Stand Test in the Community—A Validity StudySensors, 20, 10, 2824, 2020
Gillner M.L., Hansen L., Heinrich M.P. Fast Pulmonary Fissure Detection in CT Scans using Deep Learning on Point CloudsIn: Buzug T.M., Handels H., Klein S., Mertins A., Student Conference 2020, Medical Engineering Science, Medical Informatics, Biomedical Engineering and Auditory Technology, Lübeck, Infinite Science Publishing, 201-204, 2020
Gouverneur P., Li F., Szikszay T., Adamczyk W., Grzegorzek M. Classification of Heat-Induced Pain Using Physiological SignalsIn: 8th International Conference on Information Technologies in Biomedicine (ITIB 2020), Kamień Śląski, Poland, Springer, 2020
Großbröhmer C., Blendowski M., Heinrich M.P. Efficient Self-Supervised Context Learning on MRI dataIn: Buzug T.M., Handels H., Klein S., Mertins A., Student Conference 2020, Medical Engineering Science, Medical Informatics, Biomedical Engineering and Auditory Technology, Lübeck, Infinite Science Publishing, 189-192, 2020
Ha I.Y., Wilms M., Heinrich M.P. Semantically Guided Large Deformation Estimation with Deep NetworksSensors, 20, 5, 1392, 2020
Hansen L., Blendowski M., Heinrich M.P. Defence of Mathematical Models for Deep Learning based RegistrationIn: Tolxdorff T., Deserno T.M., Handels H., Maier A., Maier-Hein K.H., Palm C., Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2020, Berlin, Informatik aktuell, Springer Vieweg, Wiesbaden, 32, 2020
Heinrich M.P., Papież B.W. Image registration with sliding motionIn: Handbook of Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention, The Elsevier and MICCAI Society Book Series, 293-318, 2020
Heinrich M.P., Hansen L. Highly Accurate and Memory Efficient Unsupervised Learning-Based Discrete CT Registration Using 2.5D Displacement SearchIn: Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention – MICCAI 2020, Cham, Springer, 12263, 190-200, 2020
Heinrich M.P., Hansen L. Unsupervised learning of multimodal image registration using domain adaptation with projected Earth Mover’s discrepanciesIn: International Conference on Medical Imaging with Deep Learning, 2020
Hellmers S., Peng L., Lau S., Diekmann R., Elgert L., Bauer J.M., Hein A., Fudickar S. Activity Scores of Older Adults based on Inertial Measurement Unit Data in Everyday LifeIn: Proceedings of the 13th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2020) - Volume 5: HEALTHINF, Valetta (Malta), SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda., 579-585, 2020
Henselmeyer S., Grzegorzek M. Short-term Load Forecasting with Discrete State Hidden Markov ModelsJournal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, 38, 2, 2273-2284, 2020
Herrmann S., Schneider D., Mrongowius J., Heinrich M.P. Aortic Detection in Image Sequences of Electrical Impedance TomographyIn: Buzug T.M., Handels H., Klein S., Mertins A., Student Conference 2020, Medical Engineering Science, Medical Informatics, Biomedical Engineering and Auditory Technology, Lübeck, Infinite Science Publishing, 335-338, 2020
Huang X., Shirahama K., Li F., Grzegorzek M. Sleep stage classification for child patients using DeConvolutional Neural NetworkArtificial Intelligence in Medicine, 110, 101981, 2020
Irshad M.T., Nisar M.A., Gouverneur P., Rapp M., Grzegorzek M. AI Approaches towards Prechtl’s Assessment of General Movements: A Systematic Literature ReviewSensors, 20, 18, 5321, 2020
Kasten M., Li F., Hunag X., Grzegorzek M. Analysis of the Relevance of Physiological Signals for Sleep Stage Classification using Deep Neural NetworksIn: 65th Annual Meeting of the German Association for Medical Informatics, Biometry and Epidemiology (GMDS), Berlin, Germany, 2020
Kath N., Seidel A., Ingenerf J. Connecting Old Devices Safely To The CloudIn: Buzug T.M., Handels H., Klein S., Mertins A., Student Conference 2020, Medical Engineering Science, Medical Informatics, Biomedical Engineering and Auditory Technology, Lübeck, Infinite Science Publishing, 277-280, 2020
Kepp T., Sudkamp H., Burchard C., Schenke H., Koch P., Hüttmann G., Roider J., Heinrich M.P., Handels H. Segmentation of Retinal Low-Cost Optical Coherence Tomography Images using Deep LearningIn: SPIE Medical Imaging 2020, Houston, USA, 2020
Kepp T., Sudkamp H., Burchard C., Schenke H., Koch P., Hüttmann G., Roider J., Heinrich M.P., Handels H. Segmentation of Retinal Low-Cost Optical Coherence Tomography Images Using Deep LearningIn: Tolxdorff T., Deserno T.M., Handels H., Maier A., Maier-Hein K.H., Palm C., Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2020, Berlin, Informatik aktuell, Springer Vieweg, Wiesbaden, 183, 2020
Keuth R., Hansen L., Heinrich M.P. Der Einfluss von Segmentierung auf die Genauigkeit eines CNN-Klassifikators zur Mimik-SteuerungIn: Tolxdorff T., Deserno T.M., Handels H., Maier A., Maier-Hein K.H., Palm C., Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2020, Berlin, Informatik aktuell, Springer Vieweg, Wiesbaden, 294-300, 2020
Khan M.H., Zöller M., Farid M.S., Grzegorzek M. Marker-Based Movement Analysis of Human Body Parts in Therapeutic ProcedureSensors, 20, 11, 3312, 2020
Khan M.H., Farid M.S., Grzegorzek M. A Non-linear View Transformations Model for Cross-view Gait RecognitionNeurocomputing, 402, 100-111, 2020
Krüger J., Schultz S., Handels H., Ehrhardt J. Registration with probabilistic correspondences — Accurate and robust registration for pathological and inhomogeneous medical dataComputer Vision and Image Understanding, 190, 102839, 2020
Li F., Shirahama K., Nisar M.A., Huang X., Grzegorzek M. Deep Transfer Learning for Time Series Data Based on Sensor Modality ClassificationSensors, 20, 15, 4271, 2020
Liebenow L., Twesten C., Grzegorzek M. Transforming Nutrition Databases Towards Semantically Consistent Content ClassificationIn: Buzug T.M., Handels H., Klein S., Mertins A., Student Conference 2020, Medical Engineering Science, Medical Informatics, Biomedical Engineering and Auditory Technology, Lübeck, Infinite Science Publishing, 147-150, 2020
Lübbe C., Friedrich B., Fudickar S., Hellmers S., Hein A. Feature Based Random Forest Nurse Care Activity Recognition Using Accelerometer DataIn: Adjunct Proceedings of the 2020 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing and Proceedings of the 2020 ACM International Symposium on Wearable Computers (UbiComp/ISWC '20 Adjunct), 2020
Lucas C., Aulmann L.F., Kemmling A., Mamlouk A.M., Heinrich M.P. Estimation of the Principal Ischaemic Stroke Growth Directions for Predicting Tissue OutcomesIn: Tolxdorff T., Deserno T.M., Handels H., Maier A., Maier-Hein K.H., Palm C., Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2020, Berlin, Informatik aktuell, Springer Vieweg, Wiesbaden, 143, 2020
Lucas C., Aulmann L.F., Kemmling A., Mamlouk A.M., Heinrich M.P. Estimation of the Principal Ischaemic Stroke Growth Directions for Predicting Tissue OutcomesIn: Brainlesion: Glioma, Multiple Sclerosis, Stroke and Traumatic Brain Injuries. BrainLes 2019, 69-79, 2020
Mietzner O., Mastmeyer A. Automatic multi-object organ detection and segmentation in abdominal CT dataIn: Buzug T.M., Handels H., Klein S., Mertins A., Student Conference 2020, Medical Engineering Science, Medical Informatics, Biomedical Engineering and Auditory Technology, Lübeck, Infinite Science Publishing, 197-200, 2020
Mietzner O., Mastmeyer A. Automatische Detektion von Zwischenorgan-3D-Barrieren in abdominalen CT-DatenIn: Tolxdorff T., Deserno T.M., Handels H., Maier A., Maier-Hein K.H., Palm C., Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2020, Berlin, Informatik aktuell, Springer Vieweg, Wiesbaden, 46-51, 2020
Nalepa G., Grzegorzek M., Juarez J., Rauthmann J. Special Issue on Multimodal Sensing for Understanding Behavior and PersonalitySensors (MDPI), MDPI, 2020
Nisar M.A., Shirahama K., Li F., Huang X., Grzegorzek M. Rank Pooling Approach for Wearable Sensor-Based ADLs RecognitionSensors, 20, 12, 3463, 2020
Pallenberg R., Fleitmann M., Soika K., Handels H. Automatic anatomical structure detection in aortic CT angiographyIn: Buzug T.M., Handels H., Klein S., Mertins A., Student Conference 2020, Medical Engineering Science, Medical Informatics, Biomedical Engineering and Auditory Technology, Lübeck, Infinite Science Publishing, 157-160, 2020
Pallenberg R., Fleitmann M., Soika K., Stroth A.M., Gerlach J., Furschke A., Barkhausen J., Bischof A., Handels H. Automatic Quality Measurement of Aortic Contrast-enhanced CT Angiographies for Patient-specific Dose OptimizationInternational Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, 15, 1611-1617, 2020
Postel S., Mastmeyer A., Hirsch J. Workflow development to create and analyse QA parameter from MRI imagesIn: Buzug T.M., Handels H., Klein S., Mertins A., Student Conference 2020, Medical Engineering Science, Medical Informatics, Biomedical Engineering and Auditory Technology, Lübeck, Infinite Science Publishing, 185-188, 2020
Rajashekar D., Wilms M., MacDonald E.M., Ehrhardt J., Mouches P., Frayne R., Hill M.D., Forkert N.D. High-resolution T2-FLAIR and non-contrast CT brain atlas of the elderlyScientific Data, 7, 56, 2020
Rajput A.M., Ballout S., Drenkhahn C.M. Standardizing the Unit of Measurements in LOINC-Coded Laboratory Tests Can Significantly Improve Semantic InteroperabilityStudies in Health Technology and Informatics, 275, 234-235, 2020
Reimer N., Busch H., Ingenerf J. Deploying a molecular tumor board on an open platformIn: Buzug T.M., Handels H., Klein S., Mertins A., Student Conference 2020, Medical Engineering Science, Medical Informatics, Biomedical Engineering and Auditory Technology, Lübeck, Infinite Science Publishing, 139-142, 2020
Rüttgers S., Hocke J., Heinrich M.P. Automatic segmentation of prostate zones in MRI data using different variants of the U-NetIn: Buzug T.M., Handels H., Klein S., Mertins A., Student Conference 2020, Medical Engineering Science, Medical Informatics, Biomedical Engineering and Auditory Technology, Lübeck, Infinite Science Publishing, 169-172, 2020
Schumacher M., Genz A., Heinrich M.P. Weakly supervised pancreas segmentation based on class activation mapsIn: SPIE Medical Imaging 2020: Image Processing, Houston, United States, 11313, 1131314, 2020
Siebert H., Heinrich M.P. Deep Groupwise Registration of MRI Using Deforming AutoencodersIn: Tolxdorff T., Deserno T.M., Handels H., Maier A., Maier-Hein K.H., Palm C., Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2020, Berlin, Informatik aktuell, Springer Vieweg, Wiesbaden, 236-241, 2020
Sirocko J., Diesel J., Heinrich M.P. Frequency based detection of regions of interest in videodata to estimate human breathing frequencyIn: Buzug T.M., Handels H., Klein S., Mertins A., Student Conference 2020, Medical Engineering Science, Medical Informatics, Biomedical Engineering and Auditory Technology, Lübeck, Infinite Science Publishing, 177-180, 2020
Stroth A., Fürschke A., Gerlach J., Barkhausen J., Bischof A., Fleitmann M., Soika K., Handels H. Patientenindividuelle Optimierung der Kontrastmittelapplikation bei der CT Angiografie der AortaFortschr Röntgenstr, 192, S 01, S28, 2020
Takashima N., Li F., Grzegorzek M., Shirahama K. Cross-modal Music Emotion Retrieval Using DeepCCAIn: 8th International Conference on Information Technologies in Biomedicine (ITIB 2020), Kamień Śląski, Poland, Springer, 2020
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Tolxdorff T., Deserno T.M., Handels H., Maier A., Maier-Hein K.H., Palm C. (eds.) Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2020Springer Vieweg, Berlin Heidelberg, Berlin, 2020
Ulrich H., Germer S., Kock-Schoppenhauer A.-K., Kern J., Lablans M., Ingenerf J. A Smart Mapping Editor for Standardised Data TransformationStudies in Health Technology and Informatics, 270, 1185-1186, 2020
Ulrich H., Kock-Schoppenhauer A.-K., Drenkhahn C.M., Löbe M., Ingenerf J. Analysis of ISO/TS 21526 Towards the Extension of a Standardized Query APIStudies in Health Technology and Informatics, 275, 202-206, 2020
Uzunova H., Kaftan P., Wilms M., Forkert N.D., Handels H., Ehrhardt J. Quantitative Comparison of Generative Shape Models for Medical ImagesIn: Tolxdorff T., Deserno T.M., Handels H., Maier A., Maier-Hein K.H., Palm C., Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2020, Berlin, Informatik aktuell, Springer Vieweg, Wiesbaden, 201-207, 2020
Uzunova H., Ehrhardt J., Jacob F., Frydrychowicz A., Handels H. Multi-Scale GANs for Memory-Effcient Generation of High Resolution Medical ImagesIn: Tolxdorff T., Deserno T.M., Handels H., Maier A., Maier-Hein K.H., Palm C., Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2020, Berlin, Informatik aktuell, Springer Vieweg, Wiesbaden, 286, 2020
Uzunova H., Ehrhardt J., Handels H. Generation of Annotated Brain Tumor MRIs with Tumor-induced Tissue Deformations for Training and Assessment of Neural NetworksIn: 23th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention - MICCAI 2020, Virtual Conference, Lima, Peru, Springer, Cham, 501-511, 2020
Uzunova H., Ehrhardt J., Handels H. Memory-efficient GAN-based domain translation of high resolution 3D medical imagesComputerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, 86, 101801, 2020
Vogl K.M., Ulrich H., Ingenerf J. Generation of message transformers based on HL7 FHIR StructureMaps within the interface engine Mirth ConnectIn: Buzug T.M., Handels H., Klein S., Mertins A., Student Conference 2020, Medical Engineering Science, Medical Informatics, Biomedical Engineering and Auditory Technology, Lübeck, Infinite Science Publishing, 131-134, 2020
Yang C., Indurkhya B., See J., Grzegorzek M. Towards Automatic Skeleton Extraction with Skeleton GraftingIEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 1, 2020
Andersen B., Baumhof S., Ingenerf J. Service-Oriented Device Connectivity: Device Specialisations for InteroperabilityIn: MedInfo, Lyon, Stud Health Technol Inform, 264, 509-511, 2019
Beitz N., Heller M., Kadi H., Ingenerf J. Development of a HL7 FHIR based interface to connect a Healthcare Content Management system to a mobile deviceIn: Buzug T.M., Handels H., Klein S., Mertins A., Student Conference 2019, Medical Engineering Science, Medical Informatics, Biomedical Engineering and Auditory Technology, Lübeck, Infinite Science Publishing, 297-300, 2019
Blendowski M., Heinrich M.P. Combining MRF-based Deformable Registration and Deep Binary 3D-CNN Descriptors for Large Lung Motion Estimation in COPD PatientsInternational Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, 14, 1, 43-52, 2019
Blendowski M., Heinrich M.P. Learning Interpretable Multi-modal Features for Alignment with Supervised Iterative DescentIn: International Conference on Medical Imaging with Deep Learning, PMLR, 102, 73-83, 2019
Bockelmann N., Graßhoff J., Hansen L., Bellani G., Heinrich M.P., Rostalski P. Deep Learning for Prediction of Diaphragm Activity from the Surface ElectromyogramCurrent Directions in Biomedical Engineering, 5, 1, 17-20, 2019
Bockelmann N., Krüger D., Moosmann J., Heinrich M.P. U-Net-based Segmentation of Biodegradable Bone Implants in Synchrotron Radiation Microtomograms with Sparse AnnotationsIn: Buzug T.M., Handels H., Klein S., Mertins A., Student Conference 2019, Medical Engineering Science, Medical Informatics, Biomedical Engineering and Auditory Technology, Lübeck, Infinite Science Publishing, 145-148, 2019
Bornhorst J., Nustede E., Fudickar S. Mass Surveilance of C. elegans - Smartphone-Based DIY Microscope and Machine-Learning-Based Approach for Worm DetectionSensors, MDPI AG, 19, 6, 1468, 2019
Bouteldja N., Merhof D., Ehrhardt J., Heinrich M.P. Deep Multi-Modal Encoder-Decoder Networks for Shape Constrained Segmentation and Joint Representation LearningIn: Handels H., Deserno T.M., Maier A., Maier-Hein K.H., Palm C., Tolxdorff T., Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2019, Lübeck, Informatik aktuell, Springer Vieweg, Wiesbaden, 23-28, 2019
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Buzug T.M., Handels H., Klein S., Mertins A. (eds.) Student Conference Proceedings 2019: 8th Conference on Medical Engineering Science and 4th Conference on Medical Informatics and 2nd Conference on Biomedical Engineering and 1st Conference on Auditory TechnologyInfinite Science Publishing, Lübeck, 2019
Delforouzi A., Tabatabaei S.A.H., Shirahama K., Grzegorzek M. A Polar Model for Fast Object Tracking in 360-Degree Camera ImagesMultimedia Tools and Applications, 78, 7, 9275-9297, 2019
Delforouzi A., Holighaus D., Grzegorzek M. Deep Learning for Object Tracking in 360 Degree VideosIn: 11th International Conference on Computer Recognition Systems (CORES 2019), Polanica-Zdrój, Poland, Progress in Computer Recognition Systems, Springer, 205-213, 2019
Deppenwiese N., Duhm-Harbeck P., Ingenerf J., Ulrich H. MDRCupid - A Configurable Metadata Matching ToolboxIn: MedInfo, Lyon, Stud Health Technol Inform, 264, 88-92, 2019
Deppenwiese N., Kock-Schoppenhauer A.-K., Ulrich H., Duhm-Harbeck P., Ingenerf J. Automatic Evaluation of Metadata Quality in ISO 11179-3 Conformant Healthcare Metadata RepositoriesIn: GMDS, Dortmund, 2019
Drenkhahn C.M., Duhm-Harbeck P., Ingenerf J. Aggregation and Visualization of Laboratory Data by using Ontological Tools based on LOINC and SNOMED CTIn: MedInfo, Lyon, Stud Health Technol Inform, 264, 108-112, 2019
Ehrhardt J., Ahlborg M., Uzunova H., Buzug T.M., Handels H. Temporal Polyrigid Registration for Patch-based MPI Reconstruction of Moving ObjectsInternational Journal on Magnetic Particle Imaging, 5, 1, 2019
Friedrich B., Cauchi B., Hein A., Fudickar S. Transportation mode classification from smartphone sensors via a long-short-term-memory networkUbiComp/ISWC 2019- - Adjunct Proceedings of the 2019 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing and Proceedings of the 2019 ACM International Symposium on Wearable Computers, 709-713, 2019
Ha I.Y., Wilms M., Handels H., Heinrich M.P. Model-based Sparse-to-dense Image Registration for Realtime Respiratory Motion Estimation in Image-guided InterventionsIEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 66, 2, 302-310, 2019
Hagenah J., Heinrich M.P., Ernst F. Deep Transfer Learning for Aortic Root Dilation Identification in 3D Ultrasound ImagesIn: Handels H., Deserno T.M., Maier A., Maier-Hein K.H., Palm C., Tolxdorff T., Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2019, Lübeck, Informatik aktuell, Springer Vieweg, Wiesbaden, 198, 2019
Cover BVM 2019.png
Handels H., Deserno T.M., Maier A., Maier-Hein K.H., Palm C., Tolxdorff T. (eds.) Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2019Springer Vieweg, Berlin Heidelberg, Lübeck, 2019
Hansen L., Diesel J., Heinrich M.P. Regularized Landmark Detection with CAEs for Human Pose Estimation in the Operating RoomIn: Handels H., Deserno T.M., Maier A., Maier-Hein K.H., Palm C., Tolxdorff T., Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2019, Lübeck, Informatik aktuell, Springer Vieweg, Wiesbaden, 178-183, 2019
Hansen L., Siebert M., Diesel J., Heinrich M.P. Fusing information from multiple 2D depth cameras for 3D human pose estimation in the operating roomInternational Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, 14, 11, 1871-1879, 2019
Hansen L., Dittmer D., Heinrich M.P. Learning Deformable Point Set Registration with Regularized Dynamic Graph CNNs for Large Lung Motion in COPD PatientsIn: Graph Learning in Medical Imaging. GLMI 2019, Cham, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, 11849, 53-61, 2019
Hansen L., Heinrich M.P. Sparse Structured Prediction for Semantic Edge Detection in Medical ImagesIn: International Conference on Medical Imaging with Deep Learning, PMLR, 102, 250-259, 2019
Hansen L., Diesel J., Heinrich M.P. Multi-Kernel Diffusion CNNs for Graph-Based Learning on Point CloudsIn: Computer Vision – ECCV 2018 Workshops, Cham, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, 11131, 4413, 456-469, 2019
Heinrich M.P., Oktay O., Bouteldja N. OBELISK-Net: Fewer layers to solve 3D multi-organ segmentation with sparse deformable convolutionsMedical Image Analysis, 54, 1-9, 2019
Heinrich M.P. Closing the Gap Between Deep and Conventional Image Registration Using Probabilistic Dense Displacement NetworksIn: Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention – MICCAI 2019, Cham, LNCS, Springer, 11769, 50-58, 2019
Hellmers S., Lau S., Diekmann R., Dasenbrock L., Kromke T., Bauer J.M., Fudickar S., Hein A. Evaluation of Power-Based Stair Climb Performance via Inertial Measurement UnitsIn: Cliquet Jr. A., Wiebe S., Anderson P., Saggio G., Zwiggelaar R., Gamboa H., Fred A., Badia S., Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies, Cham, Springer International Publishing, 238-261, 2019
Hellmers S., Fudickar S., Lau S., Elgert L., Diekmann R., Bauer J.M., Hein A. Measurement of the Chair Rise Performance of Older People Based on Force Plates and IMUsSensors, 19, 6, 1370, 2019
Hering A., Kuckertz S., Heldmann S., Heinrich M.P. Enhancing Label-Driven Deep Deformable Image Registration with Local Distance Metrics for State-of-the-Art Cardiac Motion TrackingIn: Handels H., Deserno T.M., Maier A., Maier-Hein K.H., Palm C., Tolxdorff T., Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2019, Lübeck, Informatik aktuell, Springer Vieweg, Wiesbaden, 309-314, 2019
Hering A., Kuckertz S., Heldmann S., Heinrich M.P. Memory-efficient 2.5D convolutional transformer networks for multi-modal deformable registration with weak label supervision applied to whole-heart CT and MRI scansInternational Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, 14, 11, 1901-1912, 2019
Hozhabr Pour H., Wegmeth L., Kordes A., Grzegorzek M., Wismüller R. (eds.) Feature Extraction and Classification of Sensor Signals in Cars Based on a Modified Codebook Approach11th International Conference on Computer Recognition Systems (CORES 2019), Springer, Polanica-Zdrój, Poland, 2019
Kappes R., Fudickar S., Deiters J. Safety4Bikes : Assistance Systems for Cycling Children to Increase SafetyIn: International Cycling Safety Conference - Abstract Book, 71, 2019
Kasparick M., Andersen B., Franke S., Rockstroh M., Golatowski F., Timmermann D., Ingenerf J., Neumuth T. Enabling Artificial Intelligence in High Acuity Medical EnvironmentsMinim Invasive Ther Allied Technol, 28, 2, 120-126, 2019
Kath N., Handels H., Mastmeyer A. Simulation von Radiofrequenzablationen für die Leberpunktion in 4D-VR-SimulationenIn: Handels H., Deserno T.M., Maier A., Maier-Hein K.H., Palm C., Tolxdorff T., Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2019, Lübeck, Informatik aktuell, Springer Vieweg, Wiesbaden, 289-294, 2019
Kath N., Handels H., Mastmeyer A. Robust GPU-based Virtual Reality Simulation of Radio-frequency Ablations for Various Needle Geometries and LocationsInternational Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, 14, 11, 1825-1835, 2019
Kepp T., Ehrhardt J., Heinrich M.P., Hüttmann G., Handels H. Topology-Preserving Shape-Based Regression of Retinal Layers in OCT Image Data Using Convolutional Neural NetworksIn: IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, ISBI 2019, Venedig, Italien, 1437-1440, 2019
Kepp T., Droigk C., Casper M., Evers M., Hüttmann G., Salma N., Manstein D., Heinrich M.P., Handels H. Segmentation of Mouse Skin Layers in Optical Coherence Tomography Image Data using Deep Convolutional Neural NetworksBiomedical Optics Express, 10, 7, 3484-3496, 2019
Khan M.H., Farid M.S., Grzegorzek M. Spatiotemporal Features of Human Motion for Gait RecognitionSignal, Image and Video Processing, 13, 2, 369-377, 2019
Koch P., Brügge N.S., Phan H., Maass M., Mertins A. Forked Recurrent Neural Network for Hand Gesture Classification Using Inertial Measurement DataIn: ICASSP 2019 - 2019 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2877-2881, 2019
Kock-Schoppenhauer A.-K., Bruland P., Kadioglu D., Brammen H., Ulrich H., Kulbe K., Duhm-Harbeck P., Ingenerf J. Scientific Challenge in eHealth: MAPPATHON- A Metadata Mapping ChallengeIn: MedInfo, Lyon, Stud Health Technol Inform, 264, 1516-1517, 2019
Kock-Schoppenhauer A.-K., Kroll B., Lambarki M., Ulrich H., Stahl-Toyota S., Habermann J.K., Duhm-Harbeck P., Ingenerf J., Lablans M. One Step Away from Technology but One Step Towards Domain Experts—MDRBridge: A Template-Based ISO 11179-Compliant Metadata Processing PipelineMethods of Information in Medicine, 58, S 02, e72-e79, 2019
Kosov S., Shirahama K., Grzegorzek M. Labeling of Partially Occluded Regions via the Multi-Layer CRFMultimedia Tools and Applications, 78, 2, 2551-2569, 2019
Kowalewska N., Łagodziński P., Grzegorzek M. (eds.) Electromyography-based Translator of the Polish Sign Language7th International Conference on Information Technologies in Biomedicine (ITIB 2019), Springer, Kamień Śląski, Poland, 2019
Krauth J., Gerlach S., Marzahl C., Voigt J., Handels H. Synthetic Training with Generative Adversarial Networks for Segmentation of MicroscopiesIn: Handels H., Deserno T.M., Maier A., Maier-Hein K.H., Palm C., Tolxdorff T., Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2019, Lübeck, Informatik aktuell, Springer Vieweg, Wiesbaden, 37-42, 2019
Krüger J., Ehrhardt J., Schultz S., Handels H. A Probabilistic Approach for the Registration of Images with Missing CorrespondencesIn: SPIE 10949, Medical Imaging 2019: Image Processing, San Diego, USA, 10949, 1094925-1-10949251-8, 2019
Lins C., Eckhoff D., Klausen A., Hellmers S., Hein A., Fudickar S. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation quality parameters from motion capture data using Differential Evolution fitting of sinusoidsApplied Soft Computing, 2019
Lucas C., Schöttler J.J., Kemmling A., Aulmann L.F., Heinrich M.P. Automatic Detection and Segmentation of the Acute Vessel Thrombus in Cerebral CTIn: Handels H., Deserno T.M., Maier A., Maier-Hein K.H., Palm C., Tolxdorff T., Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2019, Lübeck, Informatik aktuell, Springer Vieweg, Wiesbaden, 74-79, 2019
Lux P., Diesel J., Heinrich M.P. 2D Image Registration for Transforming Segmentation Masks within a Multi-Modal Camera SetupIn: Buzug T.M., Handels H., Klein S., Mertins A., Student Conference 2019, Medical Engineering Science, Medical Informatics, Biomedical Engineering and Auditory Technology, Lübeck, Infinite Science Publishing, 129-132, 2019
Maier A., Deserno T.M., Handels H., Maier-Hein K., Palm C., Tolxdorff T. Guest Editorial of the IJCARS—BVM 2018 Special IssueInternational Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, 14, 1, 1-2, 2019
Maier A., Deserno T.M., Handels H., Maier-Hein K., Palm C., Tolxdorff T. IJCARS: BVM 2019 special issueInternational Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, 14, 11, 1823-1824, 2019
Schlemper J., Oktay O., Schaap M., Heinrich M.P., Kainz B., Glocker B., Rueckert D. Attention gated networks: Learning to leverage salient regions in medical imagesMedical Image Analysis, 53, 197-207, 2019
Schultz S., Krüger J., Handels H., Ehrhardt J. Bayesian Inference for Uncertainty Quantification in Point-based Deformable Image RegistrationIn: SPIE 10949, Medical Imaging 2019: Image Processing, San Diego, USA, 10949, 109491S-1-109491S-8, 2019
Siebert M., Hansen L., Diesel J., Heinrich M.P. Human Pose Estimation with Hourglass Network and Convolutional AutoencoderIn: Buzug T.M., Handels H., Klein S., Mertins A., Student Conference 2019, Medical Engineering Science, Medical Informatics, Biomedical Engineering and Auditory Technology, Lübeck, Infinite Science Publishing, 141-144, 2019
Tabatabaei S.A.H., Delforouzi A., Khan M.H., Wesener T., Grzegorzek M. Automatic Detection of the Cracks on the Concrete Railway SleepersInternational Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, 33, 9, 2019
Trzepacz M., Łagodziński P., Grzegorzek M. (eds.) Electrooculography Application in Vision Therapy Using Smart Glasses7th International Conference on Information Technologies in Biomedicine (ITIB 2019), Springer, Kamień Śląski, Poland, 2019
Ulrich H., Kern J., Tas D., Kock-Schoppenhauer A.-K., Ückert F., Ingenerf J., Lablans M. QL4MDR: a GraphQL query language for ISO 11179-based metadata repositoriesBMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, 19, 1, 45, 2019
Ulrich H., Kern J., Kock-Schoppenhauer A.-K., Lablans M., Ingenerf J. Towards a Federation of Metadata Repositories: Addressing Technical InteroperabilityIn: GMDS 2019, Dortmund, Stud Health Technol Inform, 267, 74-80, 2019
Uzunova H., Schultz S., Handels H., Ehrhardt J. Unsupervised Pathology Detection in Medical Images using Conditional Variational AutoencodersInternational Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, 14, 3, 451-461, 2019
Uzunova H., Schultz S., Handels H., Ehrhardt J. Evaluation of Image Processing Methods for Clinical ApplicationsIn: Handels H., Deserno T.M., Maier A., Maier-Hein K.H., Palm C., Tolxdorff T., Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2019, Lübeck, Informatik aktuell, Springer Vieweg, Wiesbaden, 15-20, 2019
Uzunova H., Ehrhardt J., Kepp T., Handels H. Interpretable Explanations of Black Box Classifiers Applied on Medical Images by Meaningful Perturbations Using Variational AutoencodersIn: Handels H., Deserno T.M., Maier A., Maier-Hein K.H., Palm C., Tolxdorff T., Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2019, Lübeck, Informatik aktuell, Springer Vieweg, Wiesbaden, 197, 2019
Uzunova H., Ehrhardt J., Kepp T., Handels H. Interpretable Explanations of Black Box Classifiers Applied on Medical Images by Meaningful Perturbations using Variational AutoencodersIn: SPIE 10949, Medical Imaging 2019: Image Processing, San Diego, USA, 10949, 1094911-1-1094911-8, 2019
Uzunova H., Ehrhardt J., Jacob F., Frydrychowicz A., Handels H. Multi-scale GANs for Memory-efficient Generation of High Resolution Medical ImagesIn: 22nd International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention, MICCAI 2019, Shenzen, China, 11769, 112-120, 2019
Ververs S., Ulrich H., Ingenerf J. Concept for a Consent-Based Access Model for HAPI FHIR ServersIn: Buzug T.M., Handels H., Klein S., Mertins A., Student Conference 2019, Medical Engineering Science, Medical Informatics, Biomedical Engineering and Auditory Technology, Lübeck, Infinite Science Publishing, 293-296, 2019
Wiedekopf J., Becker T., Ingenerf J. Human-Readable Data Export of Medical DocumentationIn: Buzug T.M., Handels H., Klein S., Mertins A., Student Conference 2019, Medical Engineering Science, Medical Informatics, Biomedical Engineering and Auditory Technology, Lübeck, Infinite Science Publishing, 277-280, 2019
Wortmann J., Westerhoff V., Schenkat F., Ingenerf J. Integration of Operational Data from Mobile Ambulances into the Digital Pre-Registration SystemIn: Buzug T.M., Handels H., Klein S., Mertins A., Student Conference 2019, Medical Engineering Science, Medical Informatics, Biomedical Engineering and Auditory Technology, Lübeck, Infinite Science Publishing, 289-292, 2019
Xiao Y., Rivaz H., Chabanas M., Fortin M., Machado I., Ou Y., Heinrich M.P., Schnabel J.A., Zhong X., Maier A. et al. Evaluation of MRI to Ultrasound Registration Methods for Brain Shift Correction: The CuRIOUS2018 ChallengeIEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 39, 3, 777-786, 2019
Zhuang X., Li L., Payer C., Štern D., Urschler M., Heinrich M.P., Oster J., Wang C., Smedby Ö., Bian C. et al. Evaluation of algorithms for Multi-Modality Whole Heart Segmentation: An open-access grand challengeMedical Image Analysis, 58, 101537, 2019
Zimmer S., Sparborth T., Handels H. Implementation of automatic marker recognition in real time in a learning software for medical training simulatorsIn: Buzug T.M., Handels H., Klein S., Mertins A., Student Conference 2019, Medical Engineering Science, Medical Informatics, Biomedical Engineering and Auditory Technology, Lübeck, Infinite Science Publishing, 149-152, 2019
Blendowski M., Heinrich M.P. 3D-CNNs for Deep Binary Descriptor Learning in Medical Volume DataIn: Maier A., Deserno T.M., Handels H., Maier-Hein K.H., Palm C., Tolxdorff T., Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2018, Erlangen, Informatik aktuell, Springer Vieweg, Berlin, Heidelberg, 23-28, 2018
Bouteldja N., Heinrich M.P. Deep 3D Encoder-Decoder Networks with Applications to Organ SegmentationIn: Buzug T.M., Handels H., Klein S., Student Conference 2018, Medical Engineering Science, Medical Informatics and Biomediacal Engineering, Lübeck, Infinite Science Publishing, 229-232, 2018
Bullmann M., Fetzer T., Ebner F., Deinzer F., Grzegorzek M. Fast Kernel Density Estimation Using Gaussian Filter ApproximationIn: International Conference on Information Fusion (FUSION) 2018, Cambridge, United Kingdom, IEEE, 1233-1240, 2018
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Buzug T.M., Handels H., Klein S. (eds.) Student Conference Proceedings 2018: 7th Conference on Medical Engineering Science and 3rd Conference on Medical Informatics and 1st Conference on Biomedical EngineeringInfinite Science Publishing, Lübeck, 2018
Delforouzi A., Pamarthi B., Grzegorzek M. Training-Based Methods for Comparison of Object Detection Methods for Visual Object TrackingSensors, 18, 11, 3994, 2018
Deppenwiese N., Ulrich H., Ingenerf J. Connecting MOLGENIS to HL7 FHIR: Transformation from Questionnaires to EMXIn: Buzug T.M., Handels H., Klein S., Student Conference 2018, Medical Engineering Science, Medical Informatics and Biomediacal Engineering, Lübeck, Infinite Science Publishing, 333-336, 2018
Drenkhahn C.M., Ulrich H., Duhm-Harbeck P., Ingenerf J. Mapping of Laboratory Services included in an Internal Catalog to SNOMED CT using the UMLSIn: Buzug T.M., Handels H., Klein S., Student Conference 2018, Medical Engineering Science, Medical Informatics and Biomediacal Engineering, Lübeck, Infinite Science Publishing, 337-340, 2018
Ehrhardt J., Ahlborg M., Uzunova H., Buzug T.M., Handels H. Temporal Polyrigid Registration for Patch-based MPI Reconstruction of Moving ObjectsIn: Knopp T., Buzug T.M., 8th International Workshop on Magnetic Particle Imaging, IWMPI 2018, Hamburg, Infinite Science Publishing, 55-56, 2018
Fetzer T., Ebner F., Bullmann M., Deinzer F., Grzegorzek M. Smartphone-Based Indoor Localization within a 13th Century Historic BuildingSensors, 18, 12, 2018
Fleitmann M., Seebaß M., Westerhoff M., Stalling D., Heinrich M.P., Blendowski M. Classification of axial CT Images using Deep Learning for determining a Standard Coordinate SystemIn: Buzug T.M., Handels H., Klein S., Student Conference 2018, Medical Engineering Science, Medical Informatics and Biomediacal Engineering, Lübeck, Infinite Science Publishing, 247-250, 2018
Fudickar S., Stolle C., Volkening N., Hein A. Scanning Laser Rangefinders for the Unobtrusive Monitoring of Gait Parameters in Unsupervised SettingsSensors, Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute, 18, 10, 3424, 2018
Fudickar S., Kiselev J., Frenken T., Wegel S., Dimitrowska S., Steinhagen-Thiessen E., Hein A. Validation of the ambient TUG chair with light barriers and force sensors in a clinical trialAssistive Technology, Taylor & Francis, 0, 2018
Grünewald A., Li F., Kampling H., Krönert D., Pöhler J., Littau J., Schnieber K., Piet A., Niehaves B., Grzegorzek M. et al. Biomedical Data Acquisition and Processing to Recognize Emotions for Affective LearningIn: 18th IEEE International Conference on BioInformatics and BioEngineering (BIBE 2018), Taichung, Taiwan, IEEE, 2018
Grzegorzek M., Gertych A., Aumayr G., Piętka E. Special Issue on Active and Assisted LivingComputers in Biology and Medicine, Elsevier, 95, 234-306, 2018
Grzegorzek M., Gertych A., Aumayr G., Piętka E. Trends in Active and Assisted Living - Open hardware architecture, Human Data Interpretation, intervention and assistance.Computers in biology and medicine, 95, 234-235, 2018
Heinrich M.P., Oktay O. Exploring Sparsity in CNNs for Medical Image Segmentation BRIEFnetIn: Maier A., Deserno T.M., Handels H., Maier-Hein K.H., Palm C., Tolxdorff T., Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2018, Erlangen, Informatik aktuell, Springer Vieweg, Berlin Heidelberg, 40-41, 2018
Heinrich M.P., Blendowski M., Oktay O. TernaryNet: Faster Deep Model Inference without GPUs for Medical 3D Segmentation using Sparse and Binary ConvolutionsInternational Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, 13, 9, 1311-1320, 2018
Heinrich M.P., Oktay O., Bouteldja N. OBELISK – One Kernel to Solve Nearly Everything:Unified 3D Binary Convolutions for Image AnalysisIn: Conference on Medical Imaging with Deep Learning (MIDL 2018), 2018
Hellmers S., Izadpanah B., Dasenbrock L., Diekmann R., Bauer J.M., Hein A., Fudickar S. Towards an Automated Unsupervised Mobility Assessment for Older People Based on Inertial TUG MeasurementsSensors, 18, 10, 2018
Hellmers S., Kromke T., Dasenbrock L., Heinks A., Bauer J.M., Hein A., Fudickar S. Stair Climb Power Measurements via Inertial Measurement Units - Towards an Unsupervised Assessment of Strength in Domestic EnvironmentsIn: Proceedings of the 11th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies - Volume 5: HEALTHINF, 39-47, 2018
Hellmers S., Fudickar S., Dasenbrock L., Heinks A., Bauer J.M., Hein A. A Model-Based Approach for Jump Analyses Regarding Strength and BalanceIn: Nathalia P., Silveira M., H. A.H., Carlos M., L B.E., Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies, Cham, Springer International Publishing, 354-375, 2018
Kasparick M., Schmitz M., Andersen B., Rockstroh M., Franke S., Schlichting S., Golatowski F., Timmermann D. OR.NET: A Service-Oriented Architecture for Safe and Dynamic Medical Device InteroperabilityBiomedizinische Technik. Biomedical engineering, 63, 1, 11-30, 2018
Kepp T., Droigk C., Casper M., Evers M., Salma N., Manstein D., Handels H. Random-Forest-basierte Segmentierung der subkutanen Fettschicht der Mäusehaut in 3D-OCT-BilddatenIn: Maier A., Deserno T.M., Handels H., Maier-Hein K.H., Palm C., Tolxdorff T., Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2018, Erlangen, Informatik aktuell, Springer Vieweg, Berlin Heidelberg, 203, 2018
Kepp T., Droigk C., Casper M., Evers M., Salma N., Manstein D., Handels H. Segmentation of subcutaneous fat within mouse skin in 3D OCT image data using random forestsIn: SPIE Medical Imaging 2018: Image Processing, Houston, Texas, United States, SPIE, 10574, 1057426-1-1057426-8, 2018
Kern J., Tas D., Ulrich H., Schmidt E.E., Ingenerf J., Ückert F., Lablans M. A Method to Use Metadata in Legacy Web Applications: The Samply.MDR.InjectorStudies in health technology and informatics, 253, 45-49, 2018
Khan M.H., Schneider M., Farid M.S., Grzegorzek M. Detection of Infantile Movement Disorders in Video Data Using Deformable Part-Based Model.Sensors (Basel, Switzerland), 18, 10, 2018
Khan M.H., Farid M.S., Grzegorzek M. Spatiotemporal features of human motion for gait recognitionSignal, Image and Video Processing, 2018
Khan M.H., Helsper J., Farid M.S., Grzegorzek M. A computer vision-based system for monitoring Vojta therapy.International journal of medical informatics, 113, 85-95, 2018
Khan M.H., Farid M.S., Zahoor M., Grzegorzek M. Cross- View Gait Recognition Using Non-Linear View Transformations of Spatiotemporal FeaturesIn: 25th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP) 2018, Athens, Greece, IEEE, 773-777, 2018
Khan M.H., Farid M.S., Grzegorzek M. Using a generic model for codebook-based gait recognition algorithmsIn: International Workshop on Biometrics and Forensics (IWBF) 2018, Sassari, Italy, IEEE, 1-7, 2018
Kock-Schoppenhauer A.-K., Hartung L., Ulrich H., Duhm-Harbeck P., Ingenerf J. Practical Extension of Provenance to Healthcare Data Based on the W3C PROV StandardStudies in health technology and informatics, 253, 28-32, 2018
Köping L., Shirahama K., Grzegorzek M. A general framework for sensor-based human activity recognition.Computers in biology and medicine, 95, 248-260, 2018
Kosov S., Shirahama K., Li C., Grzegorzek M. Environmental microorganism classification using conditional random fields and deep convolutional neural networksPattern Recognition, 77, 248-261, 2018
Krönert D., Grünewald A., Li F., Grzegorzek M., Brück R. Sensor Headband for Emotion Recognition in a Virtual Reality EnvironmentIn: 6th International Conference on Information Technologies in Biomedicine (ITIB 2018), Kamień Śląski, Poland, Springer, 539-548, 2018
Krüger J., Ehrhardt J., Handels H. Probabilistic Appearance Models for Medical Image AnalysisIn: Maier A., Deserno T.M., Handels H., Maier-Hein K.H., Palm C., Tolxdorff T., Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2018, Erlangen, Informatik aktuell, Springer Vieweg, Berlin Heidelberg, 37-38, 2018
Lagodzinski P., Shirahama K., Grzegorzek M. Codebook-based electrooculography data analysis towards cognitive activity recognition.Computers in biology and medicine, 95, 277-287, 2018
Laule D., Diesel J., Heinrich M.P. Occlusion Estimation in 3D Point Clouds using Visual Data from Home Care ScenariosIn: Buzug T.M., Handels H., Klein S., Student Conference 2018, Medical Engineering Science, Medical Informatics and Biomediacal Engineering, Lübeck, Infinite Science Publishing, 185-188, 2018
Li F., Shirahama K., Nisar M.A., Köping L., Grzegorzek M. Comparison of Feature Learning Methods for Human Activity Recognition Using Wearable Sensors.Sensors (Basel, Switzerland), 18, 2, 2018
Lins C., Fudickar S., Gerka A., Hein A. A Wearable Vibrotactile Interface for Unfavorable Posture Awareness WarningIn: in Proc. 4th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health (ICT4AWE 2018), Funchal - Madeira, Portugal, 2018
Lins C., Fudickar S., Hein A. XML Skeleton Definitions for Human Posture AssessmentsStudies in Health Technology and Informatics, 253, 225-229, 2018
Lins C., Fudickar S., Hein A. SKAML: An XML Markup Language for Abstract Skeleton Definitions in the Context of Human Posture AssessmentsIn: Medical Informatics Europe, Gothenburg, Sweden, 2018
Lins C., Klausen A., Fudickar S., Hellmers S., Lipprandt M., Röhrig R., Hein A. Determining Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Parameters with Differential Evolution Optimization of Sinusoidal CurvesIn: Proceedings of the 11th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies, Funchal - Madeira, Portugal, SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications, 665-670, 2018
Löffler B.S., Stecher H.I., Fudickar S., Sordi D., Otto-Sobotka F., Hein A., Herrmann C.H. Counteracting the Slowdown of Reaction Times in a Vigilance Experiment with 40-Hz Transcranial Alternating Current StimulationIEEE - Transactions on Neural Systems & Rehabilitation Engineering, 2018
Lucas C., Kemmling A., Madany Mamlouk A., Heinrich M.P. Multi-scale neural network for automatic segmentation of ischemic strokes on acute perfusion imagesIn: 2018 IEEE 15th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI 2018)2018 IEEE 15th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI 2018), Washington, DC, IEEE, 1118-1121, 2018
Lucas C., Kemmling A., Bouteldja N., Aulmann L.F., Madany Mamlouk A., Heinrich M.P. Learning to Predict Ischemic Stroke Growth on Acute CT Perfusion Data by Interpolating Low-Dimensional Shape RepresentationsFrontiers in Neurology, 9, 989, 2018
Maier A., Deserno T.M., Handels H., Maier-Hein K.H., Palm C., Tolxdorff T. (eds.) Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2018Springer Vieweg, Berlin Heidelberg, Erlangen, 2018
Mastmeyer A., Wilms M., Handels H. Population-based Respiratory 4D Motion Atlas Construction and its Application for VR Simulations of Liver PuncturesIn: Angelini E.D., SPIE Medical Imaging 2018: Image Processing, Houston, Texas, United States, SPIE, 10574, 1057417-1-1057417-7, 2018
Mastmeyer A., Wilms M., Handels H. Populationsbasierte 4D Bewegungsatlanten für VR SimulationenIn: Maier A., Deserno T.M., Handels H., Maier-Hein K.H., Palm C., Tolxdorff T., Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2018, Erlangen, Informatik aktuell, Springer Vieweg, Berlin Heidelberg, 200, 2018
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Mastmeyer A. Patientenspezifische Virtual-Reality-Simulationen, Ultraschallgestützte Nadelpunktionen in atmungsbewegten virtuellen PatientenHandels H. (ed.), Research Series of the Institute of Medical Informatics, University of Lübeck, Infinite Science Publishing, Lübeck, 2018
Mastmeyer A., Kath N., Handels H. Semantische und numerische Datenfusionierung für Virtual Reality Simulationen zur Ablationsplanung unter AtembewegungIn: GMDS, Osnabrück, 2018
Mücke E., Handels H., Werner R. Self-reference-based and during-registration detection of motion artifacts in spatio-temporal image dataIn: Angelini E.D., SPIE Medical Imaging 2018: Image Processing, Houston, Texas, United States, SPIE, 10574, 105740Q-1-105740Q-7, 2018
Neumann A., Kock A.-K., Simon F., Wagenzink S., Nohr M., Jürgens M., Milinski R., Holler U., Habermann J.K., Duhm-Harbeck P.Ingenerf J. et al. Entwicklung eines generischen Modells zur Abbildung von Studienzentralen in CentraXXIn: GMDS, Osnabrück, 2018
Oehm J., Ulrich H., Simon D., Ingenerf J. An Investigation on Automated Consolidation for Medical Database SchemataIn: Buzug T.M., Handels H., Klein S., Student Conference 2018, Medical Engineering Science, Medical Informatics and Biomediacal Engineering, Lübeck, Infinite Science Publishing, 361-364, 2018
Oktay O., Ferrante E., Kamnitsas K., Heinrich M.P., Bai W., Caballero J., Cook S.A., Marvao A., Dawes T., O'Regan D.P. et al. Anatomically Constrained Neural Networks (ACNNs): Application to Cardiac Image Enhancement and SegmentationIEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 37, 2, 384-395, 2018
Oktay O., Schlemper J., Folgoc L.L., Lee M., Heinrich M.P., Misawa K., Mori K., McDonagh S., Hammerla N.Y., Kainz B. et al. Attention U-Net: Learning Where to Look for the PancreasIn: Conference on Medical Imaging with Deep Learning (MIDL 2018), 2018
Papież B.W., Franklin J.M., Heinrich M.P., Gleeson F.V., Brady M., Schnabel J.A. GIFTed Demons: deformable image registration with local structure-preserving regularization using supervoxels for liver applicationsJournal of Medical Imaging, 5, 2, 024001, 2018
Rockstroh M., Franke S., Dees R., Merzweiler A., Schneider G., Dingler M., Dietz C., Pfeifer J., Kühn F., Schmitz M.Andersen B. et al. From SOMDA to Application – Integration Strategies in the OR.NET Demonstration SitesBiomedical Engineering / Biomedizinische Technik, 63, 1, 69-80, 2018
Salma N., Evers M., Casper M.J., Droigk C., Kepp T., Handels H., Dieter M. Mouse Model of Cold-Induced Localized Fat Loss (Selective Cryolipolysis)In: Lasers in Surgery and Medicine, Wiley, 50, 19-20, 2018
Sambale M., Heinrich M.P., Sciretti D., Trujillo N. Low-Rank Mask R-CNNIn: Buzug T.M., Handels H., Klein S., Student Conference 2018, Medical Engineering Science, Medical Informatics and Biomediacal Engineering, Lübeck, Infinite Science Publishing, 193-196, 2018
Schultz S., Handels H., Ehrhardt J. A multilevel Markov Chain Monte Carlo approach for uncertainty quantification in deformable registrationIn: Angelini E.D., SPIE Medical Imaging 2018: Image Processing, Houston, Texas, United States, SPIE, 10574, 105740O-1-105740O-8, 2018
Simon F., Kock A.-K., Neumann A., Wagenzink S., Nohr M., Jürgens M., Milinski R., Holler U., Habermann J.K., Ingenerf J. et al. Aufbau eines campusweiten Studienregisters harmonisiert aus DRKS, und EU Clinical Trials RegisterIn: GMDS, Osnabrück, 2018
Suinesiaputra A., Ablin P., Alba X., Alessandrini M., Allen J., Bai W., Cimen S., Claes P., Cowan B.R., D'hooge J.Ehrhardt J.Wilms M. et al. Statistical shape modeling of the left ventricle: myocardial infarct classification challenge.IEEE journal of biomedical and health informatics, 22, 2, 503-515, 2018
Tanno R., Makropoulos A., Arslan S., Oktay O., Mischkewitz S., Al-Noor F., Oppenheimer J., Mandegaran R., Kainz B., Heinrich M.P. AutoDVT: Joint Real-Time Classification for Vein Compressibility Analysis in Deep Vein Thrombosis Ultrasound DiagnosticsIn: Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention – MICCAI 2018, LNCS, 11071, 905-912, 2018
Ulrich H., Kock-Schoppenhauer A.-K., Duhm-Harbeck P., Ingenerf J. Using Graph Tools on Metadata RepositoriesStudies in health technology and informatics, 253, 55-59, 2018
Uzunova H., Handels H., Ehrhardt J. Unsupervised Pathology Detection in Medical Images using Learning-based MethodsIn: Maier A., Deserno T.M., Handels H., Maier-Hein K.H., Palm C., Tolxdorff T., Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2018, Erlangen, Informatik aktuell, Springer Vieweg, Berlin Heidelberg, 61-66, 2018
Ververs S., Ulrich H., Kock A.-K., Ingenerf J. Konvertierung von MIMIC-III-Daten zu FHIRIn: GMDS, Osnabrück, 2018
Volkening N., Unni A., Rieger J.W., Fudickar S., Hein A. Development of a Mobile Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy PrototypeIn: Skulimowski A.M.J., Sheng Z., Khemiri-Kallel S., Cérin C., Hsu C.-H., Internet of Vehicles. Technologies and Services Towards Smart City, Cham, Springer International Publishing, 146-161, 2018
Volkening N., Unni A., Becker S., Rieger J.W., Fudickar S., Hein A. Development of a Mobile Functional Near-infrared Spectroscopy Prototype and its Initial Evaluation: Lessons LearnedIn: Proceedings of the 11th PErvasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments Conference on - PETRA '18, ACM Press, 214-221, 2018
Vothknecht E., Coleca F., Klement S., Handels H. Head-to-Steering-Wheel Distance Estimation Based on a Monocular RGB Camera with Convolutional Neuronal NetworksIn: Buzug T.M., Handels H., Klein S., Student Conference 2018, Medical Engineering Science, Medical Informatics and Biomediacal Engineering, Lübeck, Infinite Science Publishing, 291-294, 2018
Weller D., Hansen L., Blendowski M., Heinrich M.P. Transferring a Deep Cityscape Synthesis Approach to the Medical DomainIn: Buzug T.M., Handels H., Klein S., Student Conference 2018, Medical Engineering Science, Medical Informatics and Biomediacal Engineering, Lübeck, Infinite Science Publishing, 91-94, 2018
Wessel J., Heinrich M.P. Multiple Landmark Localization in medical CT Scans using Deep Neural Networks with Heatmap RegressionIn: Buzug T.M., Handels H., Klein S., Student Conference 2018, Medical Engineering Science, Medical Informatics and Biomediacal Engineering, Lübeck, Infinite Science Publishing, 197-200, 2018
Winzeck S., Hakim A., McKinley R., Pinto J.A.A.D.S.R., Alves V., Silva C., Pisov M., Krivov E., Belyaev M., Monteiro M.Lucas C.Heinrich M.P.Maier O. et al. ISLES 2016 and 2017-Benchmarking Ischemic Stroke Lesion Outcome Prediction Based on Multispectral MRIFrontiers in Neurology, 9, 679, 2018
Wolff J., Schindler S., Lucas C., Binninger A.-S., Weinrich L., Schreiber J., Hegerl U., Möller H.E., Leitzke M., Geyer S. et al. A semi-automated algorithm for hypothalamus volumetry in 3 Tesla magnetic resonance imagesPsychiatry Research: Neuroimaging, 277, 45-51, 2018
Yang C., Flak O., Grzegorzek M. Representation and Matching of Team Managers: An Experimental ResearchIEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems, 5, 2, 311-323, 2018
Zantop K., Kartalis N., Heinrich M.P., Moreno R. Influence of Affine Image Registration on the Calculation of Diffusion Properties with a Kurtosis Model in Diffusion Weighted ImagingIn: Buzug T.M., Handels H., Klein S., Student Conference 2018, Medical Engineering Science, Medical Informatics and Biomediacal Engineering, Lübeck, Infinite Science Publishing, 217-220, 2018
Andersen B., Kasparick M., Janß A., Rockstroh M., Franke S., Golatowski F., Radermacher K., Neumuth T., Ingenerf J. Unterstützung des Chirurgen durch vernetzte Medizingeräte & Computer-assistierte ChirurgieIn: Einhäupl K.M., Medizin 4.0 – Zur Zukunft der Medizin in der digitalisierten Welt, Berlin, Germany, Hanns Martin Schleyer-Stiftung, 88, 159-172, 2017
Andersen B., Kasparick M., Ulrich H., Franke S., Schlamelcher J., Rockstroh M., Ingenerf J. Connecting the clinical IT infrastructure to a service-oriented architecture of medical devicesBiomedical Engineering / Biomedizinische Technik, 63, 1, 57-68, 2017
Baake M., Henke A., Kessner E., Ingenerf J. Creating Reports with BIRT to support the Development Process of Medical SoftwareIn: Buzug T.M., Handels H., Student Conference 2017, Medical Engineering Science and Medical Informatics, Lübeck, Infinite Science Publishing, 171-174, 2017
Baumhof S., Andersen B., Ingenerf J. Standardisation of Surgical Terms for the Extension of the ISO/IEEE 11073-1010X NomenclatureIn: Buzug T.M., Handels H., Student Conference 2017, Medical Engineering Science and Medical Informatics, Lübeck, Infinite Science Publishing, 155-159, 2017
Blendowski M., Heinrich M.P. Kombination binärer Kontextfeatures mit Vantage Point Forests zur Multi-Organ-SegmentierungIn: Maier-Hein K.H., Deserno T.M., Handels H., Tolxdorff T., Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2017, Heidelberg, Informatik aktuell, Springer Vieweg, Berlin Heidelberg, 24-24, 2017
Blum S., Debener S., Emkes R., Volkening N., Fudickar S., Bleichner M.G. EEG Recording and Online Signal Processing on Android: A Multiapp Framework for Brain-Computer Interfaces on SmartphoneBioMed Research International Hindawi, 2017, 12-12, 2017
Bouteldja N., Wilms M., Handels H., Säring D., Ehrhardt J. Model-Based 4D Segmentation of Cardiac Structures in Cine MRI SequencesIn: Maier-Hein K.H., Deserno T.M., Handels H., Tolxdorff T., Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2017, Heidelberg, Informatik aktuell, Springer Vieweg, Berlin Heidelberg, 18-23, 2017
Broecker N., Ehrhardt J. Joint registration and segmentation using statistical shape modelsIn: Buzug T.M., Handels H., Student Conference 2017, Medical Engineering Science and Medical Informatics, Lübeck, Infinite Science Publishing, 201-204, 2017
Studierendentagung 2017 Cover.png
Buzug T.M., Handels H. (eds.) Student Conference Proceedings 2017: 6th Conference on Medical Engineering Science and 2nd Conference on Medical InformaticsInfinite Science Publishing, Lübeck, 2017
Carass A., Roy S., Jog A., Cuzzocreo J.L., Magrath E., Gherman A., Button J., Nguyen J., Prados F., Sudre C.H.Maier O.Handels H. et al. Longitudinal multiple sclerosis lesion segmentation: Resource and challengeNeuroImage, 148, 77-102, 2017
Deppenwiese N., Ulrich H., Wrage J.-H., Kock-Schoppenhauer A.-K., Ingenerf J. Entwicklung eines Tools zum Konvertieren von HL7 FHIR Questionnaires in das MOLGENIS EMX FormatIn: GMDS, Oldenburg, 2017
Essenwanger A., Diesel J., Uth M.-F., Handels H. An Image Annotation Tool for the Preparation of Object Detection and Automatic Segmentation in Thermal ImagesIn: Buzug T.M., Handels H., Student Conference 2017, Medical Engineering Science and Medical Informatics, Lübeck, Infinite Science Publishing, 195-198, 2017
Fleitmann M., Käferlein O., Wilms M., Säring D., Handels H., Ehrhardt J. Vergleich von Verfahren zur automatischen Detektion der Position und Orientierung des Herzens in 4D-Cine-MRT-BilddatenIn: Maier-Hein K.H., Deserno T.M., Handels H., Tolxdorff T., Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2017, Heidelberg, Informatik aktuell, Springer Vieweg, Berlin Heidelberg, 293-298, 2017
Fudickar S., Isken M., Fleßner J., Volkening N., Steen E.-E., Hein A. Gesture controlled hospital beds for home careIn: Wichert R., Mand B., Ambient Assisted Living 9. AAL-Kongress, Frankfurt/M, Germany, April 20 - 21, 2016, Springer International Publishing, 103-118, 2017
Ha I.Y., Wilms M., Heinrich M.P. Multi-object segmentation in chest X-ray using cascaded regression fernsIn: Maier-Hein K.H., Deserno T.M., Handels H., Tolxdorff T., Bildverarbeitung in der Medizin 2017, Heidelberg, Informatik aktuell, Springer Vieweg, Berlin Heidelberg, 254-259, 2017
Heinrich M.P., Oktay O. BRIEFnet: Deep Pancreas Segmentation Using Binary Sparse ConvolutionsIn: International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention, Springer, Cham, 329-337, 2017